Search For advancing In Quotes 14

Moving between the legs of tables and of chairs rising or falling grasping at kisses and toys advancing boldly sudden to take alarm retreating to the corner of arm and knee eager to be reassured taking pleasure in the fragrant brilliance of the Christmas tree.

Our markets have not achieved their great successes as a result of government fiat but rather through efforts of competing interests working to meet the demands of investors and to fulfill the promises posed by advancing technology.

So one begins to wonder what is going to happen to the human race. Technology keeps on advancing with greater and greater power either for good or for destruction.

You know I believe that technology is the great leveler. Technology permits anybody to play. And in some ways I think technology - it's not only a great tool for democratization but it's a great tool for eliminating prejudice and advancing meritocracies.

The European Union is the world's most successful invention for advancing peace.

Politics is about the improvement of people's lives. It's about advancing the cause of peace and justice in our country and the world. Politics is about doing well for the people.

Black leadership has to recognize that principles more than speech character more than a claim is greater in advancing the cause of our liberation than what has transpired thus far.

And that's what I truly believe that we're doing when we're advancing scientific knowledge is we're someday making the world better. Not only for our children but for all people after that.

By helping readers understand these mechanics I hope they will appreciate why freedom is for everyone why it is essential for our security and why the free world plays a critically important role in advancing democracy around the globe.

Advance and never halt for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path for they draw only corrupt blood.

It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics because discrimination poverty and ignorance restrict growth while investments in education infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase it creating more good jobs and new wealth for all of us.

The age we live in is a busy age in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection.

The first feminine feature that goes with advancing age is the neck.

The credit of advancing science has always been due to individuals and never to the age.