Search For angles In Quotes 10

The size of a studio film lets you see technology in a way that you wouldn't on an independent film like the gadgets and the angles and all that.

A lot of these angles are really about trying to mimic broadcast sports angles in order to anchor the scene to sort of normalize it before it becomes abstracted.

Poetry especially traditional Iranian poetry is very good at looking at things from a number of different angles simultaneously.

What I'm trying to do is find either existing properties or come up with properties or angles or stories which will create music drama. It's my obsession and most of all I would like to remain working in theatre. I think it's very much alive.

You watch television and see what's going on on this debt ceiling issue. And what I consider to be a total lack of leadership from the President and nothing's going to get fixed until the President himself steps up and wrangles both parties in Congress.

It becomes a giant's task to compute the result when the effect of cross seas wind at all angles and ever varying force arched surfaces head resistance ratio of weight to area and the intelligence of the guiding power crop up.

I jumped off a cliff backwards for 'I Am Number Four ' which was pretty cool. I'd never done that before. It took seven takes from different angles and luckily there were no injuries. I came close though. My head nearly hit the rock at one point.

Cock your hat - angles are attitudes.

Smiles come naturally to me but I started thinking of them as an art form at my command. I studied all the time. I looked at magazines I'd practice in front of the mirror and I'd ask photographers about the best angles. I can now pull out a smile at will.

It's kind of amazing how popular 'Grey's Anatomy' is. What other show can boast such an annoyingly sincere cast of doctors sniveling through such perfunctory love triangles?