Search For center In Quotes 125

The whole point of me doing a Christmas record and what I centered it around was the song 'Christmas with You' from the point-of-view of the soldiers in Iraq.

I think the personal relationships I established mattered in terms of what I was able to get done. And I did bring women's issues to the center of our foreign policy.

As a pastor you get invited into the most poignant moments of people's lives. Whether it's a wedding or a funeral or a hospital visit you get invited into the center of the event whether or not you know the people.

The Teen Challenge Training Center on Pennsylvania farmland houses over 200 men in rehab. Other farms and centers have been birthed out of this ministry all over the world.

The Teen Challenge ministry was born out of those humble early days of ministry. It now includes over 500 drug and alcohol rehab centers around the world even in Muslim countries. These include homes for girls and women addicts and alcoholics all which are reaching many.

CRATEL is a center with a two-fold mission - to explore technology as an expressive element and to use technology to bridge gaps between diverse groups of people.

Libraries function as crucial technology hubs not merely for free Web access but those who need computer training and assistance. Library business centers help support entrepreneurship and retraining.

That's one strength that Stevie has. She's really not a strong instrumentalist in any way. Her instrument is her voice and her words. And it keeps her focused on the very center of that.

And unlike the earlier bombing on the World Trade Center a major landmark and symbol of the strength of the financial world was not just damaged but totally destroyed.

I know I could be the host of 'SportsCenter' in two years if I changed my show today to sports.

Yes all fundamentalists feel that in a secular society God has been relegated to the margin to the periphery and they are all in different ways seeking to drag him out of that peripheral position back to center stage.

When we become a really mature grown-up wise society we will put teachers at the center of the community where they belong. We don't honor them enough we don't pay them enough.

It is clear I was never the Pretty Girl. I had my two front teeth knocked out when I was 10 and didn't fix them until I was 19. I have a crooked smile and a nose that looks like it's been broken 12 times but never has been. My nose was always red so people called me Rudolph. My whole face is off-center.

I've always felt that the human-centered approach to computer science leads to more interesting more exotic more wild and more heroic adventures than the machine-supremacy approach where information is the highest goal.

It is critical to develop a biofuel industry powered by feedstocks produced in every corner of the country in addition to the Midwest. That is why USDA has established five regional research centers working on science necessary to ensure profitable biofuels can be produced from a diverse range of feedstocks.

You see so many artists who are so talented end up living sad empty lives. This industry takes so much out of you that without the accountability and leaving God in the center you can be left so empty and void.

The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon shook our nation to the core. Americans were deeply frightened sad and angry and they rallied around a President who at the time showed impressive certitude and calm.

I don't believe there's any inherent darkness at the center of religion at all. I think religion actually is a morally neutral force.

My religion centers in different areas than what's considered conventional religion.

Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race religion or political views that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe.

My early work and publications centered around expanding on the analysis of life insurance in my dissertation and its relationship to investment banking.

Once you accept the existence of God - however you define him however you explain your relationship to him - then you are caught forever with his presence in the center of all things.

I'm not deeply ideologically driven. I believe in good center-right politics.

Things happen in American politics in the political center. If the President will meet us in the center there are things we can accomplish.