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The great fear that hung over the business community in the 1970s was death by regulation and the great goal of the conservative movement as it rose to triumph in the 1980s was to remove that threat - to keep OSHA the EPA and the FTC from choking off entrepreneurship with their infernal meddling in the marketplace.

Search For commendation In Quotes 6

We should not be so taken up in the search for truth as to neglect the needful duties of active life for it is only action that gives a true value and commendation to virtue.

A good face they say is a letter of recommendation. O Nature Nature why art thou so dishonest as ever to send men with these false recommendations into the World!

Our actions seem to have their lucky and unlucky stars to which a great part of that blame and that commendation is due which is given to the actions themselves.

Moreover the practical recommendations deduced from ecological principles threaten the vested interests of commerce it is hardly surprising that the financial and political power created by these investments should be used sometimes to suppress environmental impact studies.

Brevity is the best recommendation of speech whether in a senator or an orator.

Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.