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I am going to miss that time when you take that corner better than anybody else could have taken it on that lap or you do that great qualifying lap or you make that great pass or you bring a crippled car home.

Search For experiments In Quotes 17

If you call failures experiments you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements.

Heresies are experiments in man's unsatisfied search for truth.

I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.

I am told that there have been over the years a number of experiments taking place in places like Massachusetts Institute of Technology that have been entirely based on concepts raised by Star Trek.

Of course not everybody's willing to go out and do the experiments but for the people who are willing to go out and do that - if the experiments don't work then it means it's not science.

I think it's science and physics are just starting to learn from all these experiments. These experiments have been carried out hundreds and hundreds of times in all sorts of ways that no physicist really questions the end point. I think that these experiments are very clearly telling us that consciousness is limitless and the ultimate reality.

Like many students I found the drudgery of real experiments and the slowness of progress a complete shock and at my low points I contemplated other alternative careers including study of the philosophy or sociology of science.

One of the nice things about science fiction is that it lets us carry out thought experiments.

We've made science experiments of ourselves and our children.

Until politics are a branch of science we shall do well to regard political and social reforms as experiments rather than short-cuts to the millennium.

On July 26 1916 I announced to all my friends in America that from now on I resolved to write no more poems in the classical language and to begin my experiments in writing poetry in the so-called vulgar tongue of the people.

Our observation of nature must be diligent our reflection profound and our experiments exact. We rarely see these three means combined and for this reason creative geniuses are not common.

The whole story of the comfort women the system of forced sexual slavery the medical experiments of Unit 731 is not something that is in the US psyche. That is changing because many books are coming out.

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

To remove this obstacle I repeat or refer to such knowledge as has come under my notice my own previously expressed views and also describe and exhibit my last experiments and explain their novelty and utility.

An investigator starts research in a new field with faith a foggy idea and a few wild experiments. Eventually the interplay of negative and positive results guides the work. By the time the research is completed he or she knows how it should have been started and conducted.

You accept failure as a possible outcome of some of the experiments. If you don't get failures you're not pushing hard enough on the objectives.