Search For exposed In Quotes 34

The reason that war is such a fascinating subject for writers is because it's a revealer. Put a bunch of people in an adrenaline-fuelled life-or-death situation and their fundamental behaviours are exposed the scrim is taken away and the motivations behind each personality come out to play.

Nine times out of ten in the arts as in life there is actually no truth to be discovered there is only error to be exposed.

I could have probably raised them in L.A. and they would have been great and had so many things at their fingertips and been exposed to so many things. But we travel a lot so I don't think that moving out of town is sheltering the girls at all. Maybe protecting them a little bit more trying to prolong their youth.

People need to understand that the Lauryn Hill they were exposed to in the beginning was all that was allowed in that arena at the time. I had to step away for the sake of the machine. I was being way too compromised. I felt uncomfortable having to smile in someone's face when I really didn't like them or know them well enough to like.

I've always loved 3D. In fact as a kid I was exposed to 3D at an early age because my grandfather was a specialist of 3D in cinematheques. And then my cousin put it in 'Science of Sleep' with toilet paper tube cities. But he was a specialist and I always wanted to do something in 3D.

I mean I was just one of the ones who got exposed and because of the position I was in where I was in my life it went mainstream. A lot of people got out of it after my situation not because I went to prison but because it was sad for them to see me go through something that was so pointless that could have been avoided.

Undeserved praise causes more pangs of conscience later than undeserved blame but probably only for this reason that our power of judgment are more completely exposed by being over praised than by being unjustly underestimated.

You will find in politics that you are much exposed to the attribution of false motive. Never complain and never explain.

What we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

If people are constantly reading about you and you're overexposed they've got no reason to go see your movies. Also it's not pleasant or nice to have your privacy invaded.

My older sister was at the cusp of new wave and I had older brothers from my father's first marriage who were rock 'n' roll guys so I was exposed to a lot of popular culture.

This crisis exposed very significant problems in the financial systems of the United States and some other major economies. Innovation got too far out in front of the knowledge of risk.

To be educated a person doesn't have to know much or be informed but he or she does have to have been exposed vulnerably to the transformative events of an engaged human life.

When I resigned I put the U.S. Government on notice that I'm going to stick to policy issues that I have no intention of going out and blowing the cover off of the intelligence operations that those are truly sensitive and they should not be exposed.

Heaven knows I've exposed myself in my novels through the use of fantasy and imagination... now my new book is about what really happened to me... not my heroines.

There are more than 300 000 families in the Gulf region that lost their homes and are waiting for peace of mind. The hurricane exposed the sad reality of poverty in America. We saw in all its horrific detail the vulnerabilities of living in inadequate housing and the heartbreak of losing one's home.

The paradox is really the pathos of intellectual life and just as only great souls are exposed to passions it is only the great thinker who is exposed to what I call paradoxes which are nothing else than grandiose thoughts in embryo.

Deficits mean future tax increases pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers.

When you become famous you start getting invites to parties where there are famous athletes and famous rock stars politicians people who have tremendous power and affluence. It's not in my DNA but certainly I have been exposed to it.

At least the fundamentalists haven't tried to dilute their message. Their faith is exposed for what it is for all to see.

The exposed nature of life in the public square affects leaders' attitudes toward risk - and failure.

I wouldn't go up on a stage now if you paid a thousand dollars for one minute of acting. It's a nasty experience. You're up there all by yourself. You're so damn exposed.

There have been studies that clearly state that children who are exposed to arts education at a young age will in fact do markedly better in their SAT tests.

We were then in a dangerous helpless situation exposed daily to perils and death amongst savages and wild beasts not a white man in the country but ourselves.