Search For figure In Quotes 201

People ask me how I keep my figure and I tell them it's because I paint. When you're covered in paint it's quite hard to put food in your mouth!

I don't let it bother me too much if someone doesn't like me. I just figure there's no accounting for taste. It's not me it's my acting. It's like if someone doesn't like someone's food they just don't like my acting.

I like normal stuff people fear - like spiders and heights. I'm frightened by the unknown by things that are hard to figure out and get a grip on.

There's always an element of fear that you need to work a lot until people get sick and tired of you or finally figure out that you're a fraud after all!

Whenever there is fear you will get wrong figures.

Try a thing you haven't done three times. Once to get over the fear of doing it. Twice to learn how to do it. And a third time to figure out whether you like it or not.

My feelings for Ellen overrode all of my fear about being out as a lesbian. I had to be with her and I just figured I'd deal with the other stuff later.

More than anything else my mother wanted to be an actress - a famous actress - which in the 1950s was all about being young sexy and available. She was all that and more. She had big blue eyes alabaster skin a heart-shaped face a beautiful figure. She was just a knockout.

I don't know about this thing - being famous. I haven't figured it out yet. It still mystifies me.

I'm famous for being nicer to my fans than anyone on the face of the Earth because I figure a) They pay my salary and b) It's probably like a big moment in your life to meet somebody so I would say just come on up.

I'm famous for being nicer to my fans than anyone on the face of the earth because I figure a) They pay my salary and b) It's probably like a big moment in your life to meet somebody so I would say 'Just come on up.'

We played in Texas about a year ago at Emo's the famous country and western club in Austin. And I figured well if I'm finally gonna die onstage that's where it's going to be!

I didn't get hugely famous really quick. It was a slow gradual process so I was able to sort of grow into myself and figure out who I was and what I wanted without the glaring spotlight on me telling me who I was.

Everybody has basically the same family it's just reconfigured slightly differently from one to the next.

My restaurants are never opened on Thanksgiving I want my staff to spend time with their family if they can. My feeling is if I can't figure out how to make money the rest of the year so that my workers can enjoy the holidays then I don't deserve to be an owner.

I can't really put it in one sentence because although on one hand Preacher is about faith and yes it is also about I suppose the search for God the search for faith and the manipulation and the abuse committed by figures in whom I suppose people have faith.

Americans who make more of marrying for love than any other people also break up more of their marriages but the figure reflects not so much the failure of love as the determination of people not to live without it.

I think a lot comes from having the experience of doing stand-up comedy. It allows you to figure out the psychology of an audience what things are funny and not.

'Donny and Marie' was a great experience. I tried so hard to be a great talk show host but it's all about relaxing and enjoying it. Marie and I finally figured that out. I would have liked it to continue but I'm kind of glad it's over because of the phenomenal workload.

You know it shouldn't just be about women as heroic figures overcoming things it just needs to be about women in general getting the opportunity to play a multitude of roles telling a multitude of stories - just to express human experience from a woman's perspective. I hope someday we can get to that point. I'm all about representation.

I assume we will have figured out a way to efficiently utilize solar energy and tied that to an efficient way to use nuclear energy in such a way that it doesn't pose a serious environmental issue.

Unfortunately the real achievements of children on the ground became debased and devalued because Labor education secretaries sounded like Soviet commissars praising the tractor production figures when we know that those exams were not the rock-solid measures of achievement that children deserve.

I don't know if I'm a national education figure.

If the education and studies of children were suited to their inclinations and capacities many would be made useful members of society that otherwise would make no figure in it.