Search For improvement In Quotes 45

Surely God on high has not refused to give us enough wisdom to find ways to bring us an improvement in relations between the two great nations on earth.

If you start using a medication in a person with autism you should see an obvious improvement in behavior in a short period of time. If you do not see an obvious improvement they probably should not be taking the stuff. It is that simple.

There is no single development in either technology or management technique which by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement within a decade in productivity in reliability in simplicity.

Technologists provide tools that can improve people's lives. But I want to be clear that I don't think technology by itself improves people's lives since often I'm criticized for being too pro-technology. Unless there's commensurate ethical and moral improvements to go along with it it's for naught.

Without continual growth and progress such words as improvement achievement and success have no meaning.

Anarchists are socialists because they want the improvement of society and they are communists because they are convinced that such a transformation of society can only result from the establishment of a commonwealth of property.

The progress of society is mainly the improvement in the condition of the workingmen of the world.

The day you think there is no improvements to be made is a sad one for any player.

We are more thoroughly an enlightened people with respect to our political interests than perhaps any other under heaven. Every man among us reads and is so easy in his circumstances as to have leisure for conversations of improvement and for acquiring information.

The little religion that I have clung to-that what matters most is the continuity of life and its improvement from one generation to another.

So China will be having to make some choices as to whose side it wants to be on. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a major improvement in our relationship with them if they choose correctly.

From reading over the notes for each session it was apparent that there had been improvement by more or less regular steps from almost complete terror at sight of the rabbit to a completely positive response with no signs of disturbance.

Israel welcomes the wind of change and sees a window of opportunity. Democratic and science-based economies by nature desire peace. Israel does not want to be an island of affluence in an ocean of poverty. Improvements in our neighbours' lives mean improvements to the neighbourhood in which we live.

Politics is about the improvement of people's lives. It's about advancing the cause of peace and justice in our country and the world. Politics is about doing well for the people.

He who asks of life nothing but the improvement of his own nature... is less liable than anyone else to miss and waste life.

In general mankind since the improvement of cookery eats twice as much as nature requires.

Politics isn't about big money or power games it's about the improvement of people's lives.

Modern medical advances have helped millions of people live longer healthier lives. We owe these improvements to decades of investment in medical research.

I was glad to hear of that determination as I detest the practice of cousins marrying or any marriage between persons in which there can be traced the most distant relationship. I go for the improvement instead of the deterioration of our race.

Most of these alternative arrangements so-called arise out of the ruins of marriages not as an improvement of old fashioned marriage.

I was myself brought up with my brother whose name was Matthias for he was my own brother by both father and mother and I made mighty proficiency in the improvements of my learning and appeared to have both a great memory and understanding.

The library is seen as a force for self improvement and the pursuit of knowledge. I fear that in many cases this is no longer true if it ever was.

The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first our own increase of knowledge secondly to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.

The people of South and Central Texas and the Coastal Bend need jobs they need health care they need water infrastructure improvements they need a quality education and they need the resources to keep our borders safe and secure.