Search For korea In Quotes 23

After every major conflict - World War I World War II Korea Vietnam the fall of the Soviet Union - what happened was that we ultimately hollowed out the force largely by doing deep across-the-board cuts.

I'm sure it is I'm not for any kind of war we've been engaged in several wars since the second world war and we lost in Korea we lost in Vietnam they are political wars they have nothing to do with any real threat nor does this one.

As you may recall Truman was extremely unpopular when he finally left Washington in 1953 thanks largely to the Korean War. Today however he is thought to have been a solidly good president a 'Near Great' even in the terminology of those surveys of historians they do every now and then.

Throughout the 20th century the Republican Party benefited from a non-interventionist foreign policy. Think of how Eisenhower came in to stop the Korean War. Think of how Nixon was elected to stop the mess in Vietnam.

I was drafted during the Korean War.

When I grew up in Taiwan the Korean War was seen as a good war where America protected Asia. It was sort of an extension of World War II. And it was of course the peak of the Cold War. People in Taiwan were generally proAmerican. The Korean War made Japan. And then the Vietnam War made Taiwan. There is some truth to that.

Various channels of dialogue must be kept open to build trust. I will meet North Korea's leader if it is needed to develop relations between the two Koreas.

What we have is North Korea still pursuing path to a nuclear weapon state. So the majority of people's trust in North Korea has gone down considerably.

Any agreement that you have isn't going to be based on North Korea's intentions or trust.

Bear in mind North Korea has been the leading source a leading source of nuclear technology and of missile delivery systems to some of the world's great rogues in Iran and Syria.

Math and science fields are not the only areas where we see the United States lagging behind. Less than 1 percent of American high school students study the critical foreign languages of Arabic Chinese Japanese Korean or Russian combined.

Yes I don't believe that the inter-Korean relationship has quote 'deteriorated' since I assumed office. Rather I believe that the relationship between the two Koreas is entering into a new phase - a time of transition. And so I think that the North Koreans are trying to see what they can build with this with my new administration.

One morning just like 9/11 there's going to be a disaster. I have yet to see the United Nations do anything effective with either Iran or North Korea.

Culture and tradition have to change little by little. So 'new' means a little twist a marriage of Japanese technique with French ingredients. My technique. Indian food Korean food I put Italian mozzarella cheese with sashimi. I don't think 'new new new.' I'm not a genius. A little twist.

At a time when we are facing threats from nations such as North Korea and Iran and attempting to convince others such as India and Pakistan to become responsible nuclear powers it is vital that America reclaims the leadership we once had on arms control.

We have treated our most serious adversaries such as Iran and North Korea in the most juvenile manner - by giving them the silent treatment. In so doing we have weakened not strengthened our bargaining position and our leadership.

The hope of Internet anarchists was that repressive governments would have only two options: accept the Internet with its limitless possibilities of spreading information or restrict Internet access to the ruling elite and turn your back on the 21st century as North Korea has done.

Including myself the majority of the Korean people believe in this staunch alliance between Korea and the United States and all of us hope that our traditional alliance will be further strengthened in the future.

There is a different future that is available to North Korea if they choose differently.

I love food all types of food. I love Korean food Japanese Italian French. In Australia we don't have a distinctive Australian food so we have food from everywhere all around the world. We're very multicultural so we grew up with lots of different types of food.

I don't think that anyone seriously fears that the world can be blown to pieces all together. But what one can fear and rightly so are regional things like in the Middle East India Pakistan the Korean Peninsula borders in Africa etc.

I'm a bit jealous. Until two days ago someone told me I am the most famous Korean in the world.

There are nuclear weapons in China Iran Korea and Pakistan. It wouldn't take much to send a couple of warheads off on this planet somewhere that would cause a lot of environmental damage then if you have got someone who wants to retaliate you have real problems.