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At the end of the day sleep is a barometer of your emotional health. And so if you're not in the right place where you need to be then you're going to have voices keeping you up at night because you have to work through those issues.

Search For ladder In Quotes 24

If it is surely the means to the highest end we know can any work be humble or disgusting? Will it not rather be elevating as a ladder the means by which we are translated?

If you're climbing the ladder of life you go rung by rung one step at a time. Don't look too far up set your goals high but take one step at a time. Sometimes you don't think you're progressing until you step back and see how high you've really gone.

You wanna know what scares people? Success. When you don't make moves and when you don't climb up the ladder everybody loves you because you're not competition.

Democrats believe in reigniting the American dream by removing barriers to success and building ladders of opportunity for all so everyone can succeed.

We are taught to consume. And that's what we do. But if we realized that there really is no reason to consume that it's just a mind set that it's just an addiction then we wouldn't be out there stepping on people's hands climbing the corporate ladder of success.

The ladder of success in Hollywood is usually a press agent actor director producer leading man and you are a star if you sleep with each of them in that order. Crude but true.

The ladder of success is never crowded at the top.

She's the kind of girl who climbed the ladder of success wrong by wrong.

I have a stepladder. It's a very nice stepladder but it's sad that I never knew my real ladder.

It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his own.

The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.

Take motherhood: nobody ever thought of putting it on a moral pedestal until some brash feminists pointed out about a century ago that the pay is lousy and the career ladder nonexistent.

Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

The higher one climbs on the spiritual ladder the more they will grant others their own freedom and give less interference to another's state of consciousness.

If US per capita income continues to grow at a rate of 1.5 percent a year the country will have plenty of money to finance comfortable retirements and high-quality healthcare for all citizens including those at the bottom of the wage ladder.

There were periods of my life when a lot of people didn't believe in me. I still had faith in myself. I really had to ask myself life questions. Where do I see myself in five years? Create a ladder for yourself and walk up the steps. Climb that ladder.

You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.

I believe that access to a university education should be based on the ability to learn not what people can afford. I think there is no more nauseating a sight than politicians pulling up the ladder of opportunity behind them.

Education is not only a ladder of opportunity but it is also an investment in our future.

I got stuck up a tree when I was about seven and my dad had to come and get the ladder to get me down. I loved to climb all the way up to the top. I must have been a koala in my past life.

Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.

The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.

Like success failure is many things to many people. With Positive Mental Attitude failure is a learning experience a rung on the ladder a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order and prepare to try again.

I don't need you to remind me of my age. I have a bladder to do that for me.