Search For lasting In Quotes 70

In order to create lasting security you must learn to stand in your truth.

Rag paper containing hemp fiber is the highest quality and longest lasting paper ever made. It can be torn when wet but returns to its full strength when dry.

To achieve lasting literature fictional or factual a writer needs perceptive vision absorptive capacity and creative strength.

Informed by our sad experience of history we require nothing short of a foundation for lasting democracy.

My lasting impression of Truman Capote is that he was a terribly gentle terribly sensitive and terribly sad man.

I think that the two of them have been doing this for a really long time and it is more like sport. Yes they would love to find a lasting relationship but it's not likely to happen the way they are going about it.

The secret to a long-lasting relationship is perpetually imagining the worst. It's a world view tracing back to my Eastern European ancestry and one I draw upon regularly.

Vision without power does bring moral elevation but cannot give a lasting culture.

A lasting solution to this problem will have an exceptionally positive influence foremost on the peoples of Palestine and Israel as well as on the region and the international community.

My third appeal is to my fellow citizens in all countries: Help us to establish lasting peace in the world.

The popular and one may say naive idea is that peace can be secured by disarmament and that disarmament must therefore precede the attainment of absolute security and lasting peace.

Modern society based as it is on the division of labor can be preserved only under conditions of lasting peace.

Mankind will never win lasting peace so long as men use their full resources only in tasks of war. While we are yet at peace let us mobilize the potentialities particularly the moral and spiritual potentialities which we usually reserve for war.

We can realise a lasting peace and transform the East-West relationship to one of enduring co-operation.

The only solid and lasting peace between a man and his wife is doubtless a separation.

Peace above all things is to be desired but blood must sometimes be spilled to obtain it on equable and lasting terms.

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.

One cannot subdue a man by holding back his hands. Lasting peace comes not from force.

The real and lasting victories are those of peace and not of war.

The stars that nature hung in heaven and filled their lamps with everlasting oil give due light to the misled and lonely traveller.

It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature.

I think long-lasting healthy relationships are more important than the idea of marriage. At the root of every successful marriage is a strong partnership.

I know that the odds are against a marriage lasting 60 years.

You should hurry up and acquire the cigar habit. It's one of the major happinesses. And so much more lasting than love so much less costly in emotional wear and tear.