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There are actually quite high profile British TV star cameos in it that you probably wouldn't even notice that the British wouldn't even notice let alone the American audience.

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I admired in others the strength that I lacked myself.

A nation' s strength ultimately consists in what it can do on its own and not in what it can borrow from others.

The superior man is the providence of the inferior. He is eyes for the blind strength for the weak and a shield for the defenseless. He stands erect by bending above the fallen. He rises by lifting others.

We all have enough strength to endure the misfortunes of others.

Tears shed for self are tears of weakness but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.

A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done.

A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.

Strength of character means the ability to overcome resentment against others to hide hurt feelings and to forgive quickly.

My four older brothers were my favorite players. That's why I got into football and sports.

I love to get home and hang out with my family. My brothers and I love spending time at the beach. I enjoy doing all kinds of surf sports and keeping healthy.

I had a great interest in sports. I had three older brothers who were great athletes. I was not.

RFK was a compelling figure because he was willing to challenge his audiences and in turn connect with them in a unique way. Kennedy showed that our values define us and can inspire others to believe in the possibility of change and a better society.

Even if one is interested only in one's own society which is one's prerogative one can understand that society much better by comparing it with others.

The law is an adroit mixture of customs that are beneficial to society and could be followed even if no law existed and others that are of advantage to a ruling minority but harmful to the masses of men and can be enforced on them only by terror.

The only part of the conduct of any one for which he is amenable to society is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself his independence is of right absolute. Over himself over his own body and mind the individual is sovereign.

He who stands aloof runs the risk of believing himself better than others and misusing his critique of society as an ideology for his private interest.

What you're seeing with Occupy Wall Street and the others are people who are unhappy and they're directing their unhappiness now toward Wall Street and toward those they think are doing too well in our society.

Although I don't have a prescription for what others should do I know I have been very fortunate and feel a responsibility to give back to society in a very significant way.

Society is a republic. When an individual tries to lift themselves above others they are dragged down by the mass either by ridicule or slander.

No one would talk much in society if they knew how often they misunderstood others.

One of the most important responsibilities in the Christian life is to care about others smile at them and be a friend to the friendless.

First I want to pay tribute to Diana myself. She was an exceptional and gifted human being. In good times and bad she never lost her capacity to smile and laugh nor to inspire others with her warmth and kindness. I admired and respected her - for her energy and commitment to others and especially for her devotion to her two boys.

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring sharing person inside.

I do love science fiction but it's not really a genre unto itself it always seems to merge with another genre. With the few movies I've done I've ended up playing with genre in some way or another so any genre that's made to mix with others is like candy to me. It allows you to use big mythic situations to talk about ordinary things.