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It's great when people appreciate your work but I don't know how seriously to take it. The amazing thing is that I found something so early that I can support myself doing and that can even be extremely lucrative but I love it either way.

Search For package In Quotes 20

I've learned that success comes in a very prickly package. Whether you choose to accept it or not is up to you.

How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes packaged cake mixes frozen dinners and instant cameras teach patience to its young?

My personality when tasked with creating meals goes something like this: Is there a way we can make this more difficult? Because let's do that. I don't mean to complicate things. It's just - why buy pre-packaged potato salad when you can spend your morning boiling potatoes and flipping out because there's no dill in the house?

I think people should look at learning about Native American history the same as visiting Washington D.C. and seeing the monuments there. It's all part of the package.

My understanding is that what was provided was general order of battle information not operational intelligence. I certainly have no knowledge of US participation in preparing battle and strike packages and doubt strongly that that occurred.

In our recovery package we put new standards of accountability and transparency which we hope will now apply.

Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas.

Animals that we eat are raised for food in the most economical way possible and the serious food producers do it in the most humane way possible. I think anyone who is a carnivore needs to understand that meat does not originally come in these neat little packages.

I do all of the grocery shopping in my little family. I buy cheese of many different kinds sliced packaged meats and poultry bagels immense quantities of eggs pre-made fried chicken. Milk. Bacon. It is insane how much dairy deli and bakery stuff I buy.

Christmas can have a real melancholy aspect 'cause it packages itself as this idea of perfect family cohesion and love and you're always going to come up short when you measure your personal life against the idealized personal lives that are constantly thrust in our faces primarily by TV commercials.

Fear comes in two packages fear of failure and sometimes fear of success.

Within the U.S. the Obama presidency will be mainly measured by the success or failure of his economic policies. And here I fear the monstrous stimulus package with which this administration stumbled out of the gate will prove to be Obama's Waterloo.

People's real hopes and dreams can be distorted and misdirected and packaged until you're not sure what you really want or what you even really need.

When theater becomes a soothing middle-class thing when it's packaged as the Night Out then that's the death of it.

The woman I am currently crazy about was a vegetarian for a year until I started dating her. As is the case with most vegetarians she had never eaten properly prepared meat only commercially packaged or otherwise abused flesh.

Film and television are just different. Film is cool because it's a complete package. You know the beginning middle and end. You can plan it out more which I like. But with television you get a new script every week so it's constantly a mystery as to what you're going to be doing.

I've got some incredible fans actually - so loyal and they make me birthday cards and Christmas cards. I got this package of poems and artwork based around the songs. They've got this thing called 'Floetry' where they all have to put in artwork. They've set up their own competitions and stuff which is kind of amazing.

Maybe back in the day you didn't need to be the greatest looking to be on TV and you didn't need to speak the best but in this day and age I think you need to be the package. You need to look the part for your sponsors you need to be able to speak the part for the media and to big CEOs.

I'm asked all the time in interviews about who I am and I know a few people my age who have a strong sense of self but I couldn't say I know myself and sum it up and give it to you in a little package. I don't know myself at all yet.

Here comes 40. I'm feeling my age and I've ordered the Ferrari. I'm going to get the whole mid-life crisis package.