Search For possibility In Quotes 85

Love feels no burden thinks nothing of trouble attempts what is above its strength pleads no excuse of impossibility for it thinks all things lawful for itself and all things possible.

The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life.

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.

The main thing that gives me hope is the media. We have radio TV magazines and books so we have the possibility of learning from societies that are remote from us like Somalia. We turn on the TV and see what blew up in Iraq or we see conditions in Afghanistan.

I'm not up on the Internet but I hear that is a democratic possibility. People can connect with each other. I think people are ready for something but there is no leadership to offer it to them. People are ready to say 'Yes we are part of a world.'

In the past I used to counter any such notions by asking myself: 'Would you really want President Hattersley?' I now find that possibility rather cheers me up. With his chubby Dickensian features and his knowledge of T.H. Green and other harmless leftish political classics Hattersley might not be such a bad thing after all.

The human imagination has already come to conceive the possibility of recreating human society.

It's a great excuse and luxury having a job and blaming it for your inability to do your own art. When you don't have to work you are left with the horror of facing your own lack of imagination and your own emptiness. A devastating possibility when finally time is your own.

If you know that life is basically going to be horrendously difficult at best and all but unlivable at worst or possibly even unlivable do you go on? And the choice to go on is the only thing that I think can be called hope. Because if hope isn't forced to encounter the worst possibility then it's a lie.

The poor prey on one another because their lives offer no hope and communicate the tragic message to these human beings that they have no possibility to attain a decent standard of living.

A happy home is one in which each spouse grants the possibility that the other may be right though neither believes it.

In theory there is a possibility of perfect happiness: To believe in the indestructible element within one and not to strive towards it.

I've made an odd discovery. Every time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility. Yet when I talk with my gardener I'm convinced of the opposite.

Until you're ready to look foolish you'll never have the possibility of being great.

Creativity is a great motivator because it makes people interested in what they are doing. Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting.

The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.

The very impossibility in which I find myself to prove that God is not discovers to me his existence.

Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone - except God.

As long as our civilisation keeps trundling along generally forwards then there is the possibility of a future where ethnicity is merely an interesting badge not a uniform you can't take off.

We would fight not for the political future of a distant city rather for principles whose destruction would ruin the possibility of peace and security for the peoples of the earth.

Our work is before us. It cannot be passed to future legislatures and must not be passed to future generations. May we boldly seize the moment with singular unity. And may we build a Texas of unlimited possibility.

Fascism the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace.

I really feel that the talent I have is acting. Freedom and the possibility of play-that is what I like to have.

Infinite growth of material consumption in a finite world is an impossibility.