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The Clinton White House today said they would start to give national security and intelligence briefings to George Bush. I don't know how well this is working out. Today after the first one Bush said 'I've got one question: What color is the red phone?'

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When I grew up in Taiwan the Korean War was seen as a good war where America protected Asia. It was sort of an extension of World War II. And it was of course the peak of the Cold War. People in Taiwan were generally proAmerican. The Korean War made Japan. And then the Vietnam War made Taiwan. There is some truth to that.

I love actors both my parents were actors and the work with actors is the most enjoyable part of making a film. It's important that they feel protected and are confident they won't be betrayed. When you create that atmosphere of trust it's in the bag - the actors will do everything to satisfy you.

We've protected thousands of people in Libya we have not seen a single U.S. casualty there's no risks of additional escalation. This operation is limited in time and in scope.

U.S. nuclear technology is one of this nation's most valuable secrets and it should have been protected.

Unfortunately there are so many people who live their whole life in a place that is safe and protected and simple and they don't really have that strength inside to fly.

The only ground on which a neutral State can claim respect at the hands of belligerents is that so far as she is concerned their rights are protected.

The territorial state is such an ancient form of society - here in Europe it dates back thousands of years - that it is now protected by the sanctity of age and the glory of tradition. A strong religious feeling mingles with the respect and the devotion to the fatherland.

But I remember the moment when my father died. I wasn't a very committed Catholic beforehand but when that happened it suddenly all felt so obvious: I now believe religion is our attempt to find an explanation for us to feel more protected.

The relationship between press and politician - protected by the Constitution and designed to be happily adversarial - becomes sour raw and confrontational.

Over the years I've been trying to build a relationship with an audience. I've tried to maintain as much of a low profile as I could so that those characters would emerge and their relationship with audiences would be protected.

I say the law should be blind to race gender and sexual orientation just as it claims to be blind to wealth and power. There should be no specially protected groups of any kind except for children the severely disabled and the elderly whose physical frailty demands society's care.

All of us deserve a greater peace of mind knowing that our children are better protected wherever they are.

My mother protected me from the world and my father threatened me with it.

The thing that's protected me creatively is that the movies have made profits.

Marriage is sacred and protected and has nothing to do with violating our civil rights.

I rise today in support of Bill C-38 the Civil Marriage Act. I rise in support of a Canada in which liberties are safeguarded rights are protected and the people of this land are treated as equals under the law.

My parents did not have a perfect marriage. It was pretty good but it was not perfect. My marriage is not perfect. My wife is but I happen to be imperfect. However that does not discount the fact that the definition of marriage must be defended and protected.

Judges are the weakest link in our system of justice and they are also the most protected.

The script was just the best I'd read in a long time and I love the humor which I wasn't expecting and I like the fact that my six year old daughter can see the show without being you know protected from it.

I believe the home and marriage is the foundation of our society and must be protected.

We've been a country that's been fortunate to be protected by two oceans to not have serious attacks on our territory for most of our history. And we were unfortunately reminded in a very devastating way of our vulnerability.

Well you know my number one cause has always been that women's reproductive health needs to be protected.

Never raise your hand to your children - it leaves your midsection unprotected.

For the past several years I have remained what others would consider underground. I did this in order to build a community of people like-minded in their desire for freedom and the right to pursue their goals and lives without being manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex with a completely different agenda.