Search For recipe In Quotes 32

I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top but should get you pretty near.

There is no recipe to be a great teacher that's what is unique about them.

Science means simply the aggregate of all the recipes that are always successful. All the rest is literature.

Just about every children's book in my local bookstore has an animal for its hero. But then only a few feet away in the cookbook section just about every cookbook includes recipes for cooking animals. Is there a more illuminating illustration of our paradoxical relationship with the nonhuman world?

A great power has to have the discipline not only to go when necessary but to know when not to go. Getting involved in ethnic religious civil wars is a recipe for disaster.

The shoe that fits one person pinches another there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.

Recipes tell you nothing. Learning techniques is the key.

The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.

Cooking with kids is not just about ingredients recipes and cooking. It's about harnessing imagination empowerment and creativity.

I do 280 episodes of TV a year write 15 recipes for the magazine and publish an annual book. With all of that we try to get one weekend a month with Isaboo at our home in the Adirondacks to relax and recharge.

Obviously the easiest recipes are the most successful when it comes to the home cook because they're not intimidated by them. If I'm doing 'Boy Meets Grill ' and I do something very simple like grilled hamburgers or steaks or chicken those are the most sought-after recipes.

Most cooks try to learn by making dishes. Doesn't mean you can cook. It means you can make that dish. When you can cook is when you can go to a farmers market buy a bunch of stuff then go home and make something without looking at a recipe. Now you're cooking.

Shall I give you my recipe for happiness? I find everything useful and nothing indispensable. I find everything wonderful and nothing miraculous. I reverence the body. I avoid first causes like the plague.

I don't have the recipe for happiness but I think the engine is simply having the desire.

A woman's heart must be of such a size and no larger else it must be pressed small like Chinese feet her happiness is to be made as cakes are by a fixed recipe.

The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.

Jesus does not give recipes that show the way to God as other teachers of religion do. He is himself the way.

If we do not change our negative habits toward climate change we can count on worldwide disruptions in food production resulting in mass migration refugee crises and increased conflict over scarce natural resources like water and farm land. This is a recipe for major security problems.

The thing with food is that you can give 20 people the same recipe and the same ingredients and somebody's going to make it better than somebody else and that's the creativity of it. It's like music. You could have a bunch of people playing the same piece and somebody's gonna play it better.

When I wrote 'Fast Food My Way' in 2004 I hoped that my friends would prepare my recipes. Now more people cook from that book than any other I've written in the past 30 years.

Recipes are important but only to a point. What's more important than recipes is how we think about food and a good cookbook should open up a new way of doing just that.

Of course I will continue to share my favorite Southern recipes just like my mama grandmother and family shared with me over the years. And now I'll be adding a little bit of a lighter touch to some of these wonderful dishes.

I can make dressing - or stuffing. Y'all call it stuffing up here we call it dressing down there. It's really good dressing. That family recipe was passed on and I love to make that.

One must never assume that a character is sympathetic because of either the actor playing them or the fact that they're a lead. I think that's a recipe for failure actually because if they become unsympathetic you lose your audience.