Search For skills In Quotes 93

A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: 'Duh.'

My decision to register women confirms what is already obvious throughout our society-that women are now providing all types of skills in every profession. The military should be no exception.

You know among people who kind of travel a lot and have exposure to the United States and some other countries they do have accounts but you know Russia is not exactly the place with multiple language skills so local networks kind of have an edge.

The pressure on young chefs today is far greater than ever before in terms of social skills marketing skills cooking skills personality and more importantly delivering on the plate. So you need to be strong. Physically fit. So my chefs get weighed every time they come into the kitchen.

NAFTA recognizes the reality of today's economy - globalization and technology. Our future is not in competing at the low-level wage job it is in creating high-wage new technology jobs based on our skills and our productivity.

What's happened with computer technology is perfectly timed for someone with my set of skills. I tell stories with pictures. What I love about CGI is that if I can think it it can be put on the screen.

In the industrial revolution Britain led the world in advances that enabled mass production: trade exchanges transportation factory technology and new skills needed for the new industrialised world.

I don't have a lot of skills but one thing I can do is I can compartmentalize. I can make that a little world that I can go back to so I can be a waitress or I can be a teacher and then go and work on my book.

The five steps in teaching an employee new skills are preparation explanation showing observation and supervision.

Immigrants provide skills that we simply cannot afford to do without. They have contributed hugely to Britain's success.

The opponents and I are really one. My strength and skills only half of the equation. The other half is theirs. An opponent is someone whose strength joined to yours creates a certain result.

One reason outfielders don't have stronger arms might be they don't practice as much as we did. Most teams today don't take outfield practice. Another reason is baseball has to compete with other sports now - basketball football soccer - for the better athletes that might have more skills and stronger arms.

Business labor and civil society organizations have skills and resources that are vital in helping to build a more robust global community.

I certainly derived my skills as a prose writer from my scrutiny of poetry and of the individual word. But schools don't do things like that anymore - tracking words down to their roots.

There is both a skill factor and an effort factor in dream recall. People can develop dream recall skills such as lying still in the morning and writing down whatever comes to mind.

I'm interested in all forms of performance yet I think it's difficult to be as equally talented in all of them as they call for such different skills. At the moment I still feel I'm learning and want as much experience and variety as possible.

Quality afterschool programs provide safe engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social emotional physical cultural and academic skills.

I think that if you keep your eyes and your ears open and you are receptive to learning there are skills you can get from any job at all.

I love nature and enjoy learning new skills.

I was diagnosed with a severe temporal spatial deficit a learning disability that means I have zero spatial relations skills. It was official: I was a genius trapped in an idiot's body.

Composing gives me a chance to work in multiple dimensions and helps me pare down my melodies into what is essential. Learning new skills has always energized me and scoring has opened up a world of sonic possibilities.

In the transmission of human culture people always attempt to replicate to pass on to the next generation the skills and values of the parents but the attempt always fails because cultural transmission is geared to learning not DNA.

In terms of the principles of politics I think I understand well. Thailand needs someone who has leadership who has the management skills to help the country.

My four years in the Marine Corps left me with an indelible understanding of the value of leadership skills.