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I'm not going to put out a Christmas CD until it's coming out of me naturally.

I think we felt the pressure more at first than this time around. But still you don't want to let anyone down. I never even met Patrick until we had a Christmas party at Ian McKellen's house on the first movie and then I didn't see him again until the premiere.

According to an ancient Sardinian legend the bodies of those who are born on Christmas Eve will never dissolve into dust but are preserved until the end of time.

I don't think people understand that being poor means you have to work from dawn until dusk just to survive through the day. I think there's some notion that poor people lie about all day not doing anything.

You see my mother was a district nurse until she died when I was 14 and we used to move from time to time because of her work.

An idea isn't worth much until a man is found who has the energy and ability to make it work.

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus.

The biggest job we have is to teach a newly hired employee how to fail intelligently. We have to train him to experiment over and over and to keep on trying and failing until he learns what will work.

Comedy can be especially in a writer's room really aggressive kind of a very male-dominated room and it would be hard for women. It's not a nurturing place. It's not like a lot of women are going to say I can't wait to live that lifestyle and be in a writer's room until 2 or 3 a.m.

We have to consciously study how to be tender with each other until it becomes a habit because what was native has been stolen from us the love of Black women for each other.

Most women put off entertaining until the kids are grown.

I never realized until lately that women were supposed to be the inferior sex.

A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.

I don't think you can come into your wisdom until you have made mistakes on your own skin and felt them in reality of your own life.

Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek.

I didn't finish my dress until about three days before my wedding - I had the flu and was stitching it from my bed. And the tulle came back from India all brown. We had to wash it for hours but that didn't dissuade me from wearing it.

The wedding ring on my left hand was bought by my grandfather Samuel Miliband in Brussels in 1920. I never knew him as he died when I was one. But his ring was kept by my aunt until it was placed on my finger by my wife Louise 32 years later.

We were pretty good mates until the Beatles started to split up and Yoko came into it. It was more like old army buddies splitting up on account of wedding bells.

I frankly don't think it's going to be a successful war on terrorism until law enforcement agencies like the FBI are willing to share with other law enforcement agencies. If they can't share information there's no way this war can be won.

Until democracy in effective enthusiastic action fills the vacuum created by the power of modern inventions we may expect the fascists to increase in power after the war both in the United States and in the world.

It was quite a European war until 1917 when the Americans joined up. They don't have the same sense of the loss of innocence and the cataclysmic loss of life. A whole generation was wiped out.

A man who says that no patriot should attack the war until it is over... is saying no good son should warn his mother of a cliff until she has fallen.

War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.

You never find yourself until you face the truth.