Search For watch In Quotes 503

I like to walk around my apartment naked. I like sitting around in the nude watching sports actually.

I also watched a lot of football and sports. I haven't had much time to watch too much TV lately.

I'll go out but I leave early before the shenanigans. I don't really do the Hollywood party thing. I'd rather watch sports or play videogames or work out or sleep to be totally honest.

I don't want someone to watch sports in bed. That drives me nuts.

I think they need to get a more reliable way of watching television on the laptop. Because I travel so much if I want to watch my favorite sports team it might not be showing in that place so I want a reliable way to watch whatever I want to watch on my laptop.

It certainly is dangerous that there are only a few clubs left in Europe that can afford to pay millions. At the end of the day however the spectators decide the rates of pay - by watching the games and consuming the goods and services advertised on sports TV programmes.

I don't watch a lot of television. Sports and news that's it.

Now I know you expected me to say that well I just kick back in the rocking chair fished a little bit listened to Willie Nelson tapes and watched old baseball games on the Classic Sports network. And tell you the truth I have done that for maybe about five total minutes.

I've always been a guy who wants to play sports not watch them.

I love sports. Whenever I can I always watch the Detroit Tigers on the radio.

Tennis and golf are best played not watched.

If you watch a game it's fun. If you play it it's recreation. If you work at it it's golf.

If a man watches three football games in a row he should be declared legally dead.

Watching people just look out for themselves I think is extremely interesting. It goes right back to something like 'The Beggar's Opera' - the underbelly of society how it operates and how that reflects their so-called betters.

I've always thought of acting as a tool to change society. I watch a lot of actors and I see panic in their eyes because they don't know why they act and I know why I act. Whether I'm a good or a bad actor I know why I do it.

I have to admit that when I watch a movie in which there is no moral context for the violence - I find that offensive. I think that's potentially damaging to society.

I watched Gene Kelly for his smile for his energy. Vittorio Gassman for his movement. Clark Gable for his mustache. And I watched Lassie who was happy as a dog.

I was walking around legally blind. Now I have 20-20 vision. I can't believe I spent so many years blurry but I think that coincides with how I was feeling. Now I notice if people are watching me but I also smile right back if someone waves which helps.

I believe that science fiction is as profound as you want it to be or it can be very simple entertainment and I'm all for very simple entertainment. Every now and then we all need to come home veg-out watch something and not think too deeply about it. It's what you want it to be. We tend to steer clear of being pedantic it's entertainment first otherwise we'd be on a lecture circuit.

People challenge my nerd cred all the time. I just show them the photo of me winning my middle-school science fair wearing my Casio calculator watch and eyeglasses so big they look like they can see the future.

I was born in 1950 and watched science fiction and horror movies on TV and was always really fascinated by them.

My taste in watching things runs from dramas and low-budget films to high-end fantasy/science fiction.

Millions of people were inspired by the Apollo Program. I was five years old when I watched Apollo 11 unfold on television and without any doubt it was a big contributor to my passions for science engineering and exploration.

The most watched programme on the BBC after the news is probably 'Doctor Who.' What has happened is that science fiction has been subsumed into modern literature. There are grandparents out there who speak Klingon who are quite capable of holding down a job. No one would think twice now about a parallel universe.