The enemies of the future are always the very nicest people.
The trouble with wedlock is that there's not enough wed and too much lock.
No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog...
It is unfair to blame man too fiercely for being pugnacious he learned the...
There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way.
Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some...
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning earning and yearning.
I had a million questions to ask God: but when I met Him they all fled my...
The courage of the poet is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness.
There is only one rule for being a good talker - learn to listen.
I always felt like my future was at stake every time I stepped on stage and...
Our challenge for the future is that we realize we are very much a part of...
There was a certain point in my life where I had to decide that I was going...
If we are to garner sustained U.S. domestic support for future trade...
And time itself? Time was a never-ending medium that stretched into the...
The Nuclear Security Summit was President Obama's initiative born out of his...
All historical experience demonstrates the following: Our earth cannot be...
I think within Japan there is talk about how there is the need to reassess...
Including myself the majority of the Korean people believe in this staunch...