And this President wakes up every morning looks out across America and is proud to announce 'It could be worse.' It could be worse? Is that what it means to be an American? It could be worse? Of course not. What defines us as Americans is our unwavering conviction that we know it must be better.
I try to devote my afternoons to making music in my home studio but it's a lot more fun hanging out with musicians and friends and trying subtly to influence a band than making your own stuff.
To some extent I happily don't know what I'm doing. I feel that it's an...
I've rarely kept my distance from kind of - I don't know if we can call it...
There's something about music that encourages people to want to know more...
Ninety percent of all music is always crap and when too many people decide...
So there's no guarantee if you like the music you will empathize with the...
The imminent demise of the large record companies as gatekeepers of the...
I've rarely seen video screens used well in a music concert.
Imagine if you had baseball cards that showed all the performance stats for...
My father was always depressed. When he was home and sober he was mostly in...
To the former child migrants who came to Australia from a home far away led...
We talk a lot in our home together about where we're going what I'm doing.
You know you go home and you try on a new mascara and I guess a male CEO...
My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That's what happens when you...
When I joined Custer I donned the uniform of a soldier. It was a bit awkward...
When you have the paparazzi hiding in the bushes outside your home the only...
After spending time with the rescued turkeys at Farm Sanctuary's shelter and...