Love is an emotion experienced by the many and enjoyed by the few.
It is only the cynicism that is born of success that is penetrating and valid.
Politics is the diversion of trivial men who when they succeed at it become...
Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.
I know many married men I even know a few happily married men but I don't...
A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in...
Women as they grow older rely more and more on cosmetics. Men as they grow...
Bad officials are the ones elected by good citizens who do not vote.
Criticism is the art of appraising others at one's own value.
At the end of the day you know love does not happen between two perfect...
Metaphors are dangerous. Love begins with a metaphor. Which is to say love...
This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love: the...
I really love idiot enlightened characters - these characters who fail to...