Alcohol is like love. The first kiss is magic the second is intimate the third is routine. After that you take the girl's clothes off.
Television is just one more facet of that considerable segment of our society...
Most critical writing is drivel and half of it is dishonest. It is a short...
Chess is the most elaborate waste of human intelligence outside of an...
Chess is as elaborate a waste of human intelligence as you can find outside...
He looked about as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food.
The minute you try to talk business with him he takes the attitude that he is...
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do....
Everything a writer learns about the art or craft of fiction takes just a...
At the end of the day you know love does not happen between two perfect...
Metaphors are dangerous. Love begins with a metaphor. Which is to say love...
This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love: the...
I really love idiot enlightened characters - these characters who fail to...