My beloved Mom and Pop always rated tops with each other and that's the way it will always be.
At one time I smoked but in 1959 I couldn't think of anything else to give...
Christmas carols always brought tears to my eyes. I also cry at weddings. I...
Eisenhower was my war hero and the President I admire and respect most.
Mom and Pop were proud of my popularity but from their point of view show...
Mom claimed that I could carry a tune at 2 or 3 years of age. Maybe she was a...
I wouldn't change one thing about my professional life and I make it a point...
My mom is in the navy and my dad works for the army but I never called them...
Whether it's a 16-year old girl or a mom or a guy or anybody as long as...
Our songs touch people and take them back to a time when there was no threat...
At first I could not believe what I was reading. I got up from my seat and...
I was born to a single mom and raised by her and my grandparents.
When you have lost people like I lost my birth mom at a young age and you...
I was fortunate enough to have my kids early so being a mom always ended up...
I love what I do and I think it shows. As my kids get older they can see me...
Then you've got Georgetown and I really just like everything about them....