I found myself in a race with Mother Nature to play as much baseball as I could before she forced me to stop.
I'm always amazed when a pitcher becomes angry at a hitter for hitting a home...
People like us are afraid to leave ball. What else is there to do? When...
Judgment traps you within the limitations of your comparisons. It inhibits...
There's nothing I value more than the closeness of friends and family a...
I never search for a reason why - I have faith in the Lord's purpose.
I eventually became proud of my strikeouts because each one represented...
It's human nature to be curious about people and to be more curious about...
Nature says women are human beings men have made religions to deny it....
There were no temples or shrines among us save those of nature.
The fans know what's happened to me over the past couple of years. I lost my...
Natural science does not simply describe and explain nature it is part of...
The historic ascent of humanity taken as a whole may be summarized as a...
Assuming that man has a distinct spiritual nature a soul why should it be...
Since those who believe they need a hero/celebrity outnumber the actual...
Speech is human nature itself with none of the artificiality of written...