Politics is a blood sport.
I would rather be kept alive in the efficient if cold altruism of a large...
I have never regarded politics as the arena of morals. It is the arena of...
It is not possible to create peace in the Middle East by jeopardizing the...
Reactionary: a man walking backwards with his face to the future.
Fascism is not in itself a new order of society. It is the future refusing to...
It is an axiom enforced by all the experience of the ages that they who...
Reading is not a duty and has consequently no business to be made...
The only politics in this country that's relevant to black people today is...
On the mountains mistakes are fatal. In politics mistakes are wounding...
The difference between the men and the boys in politics is and always has...
We mistake politics for legislative debate. You can be passionate without...
First take the government of the Indians out of politics second let the...
Politics was my third act. But I could have a fourth. I don't know what that...
I call it people-to-people politics and that's what politics should be about...
Most people get their politics obviously from TV shows about senators or...
This idea that a book can either be about character and feeling or about...
There is this concept of politics as a dirty game. It's a difficult game but...