The most important loan to pay is your student loan. It's more important than your mortgage car and credit card payments. You cannot discharge student loan debt in the majority of cases.
We women know how to take care of everybody so well. But the one person we...
In order to create lasting security you must learn to stand in your truth.
Here's my gift-giving rule: Respect your current financial situation.
To make the most of your money I recommend sticking with mutual funds that...
Never ever invest money that you will need prior to three to five years -...
If you're not staying on top of your money you are putting your financial...
Those carrying a credit card balance should scale back to making the minimum...
Your goal should be to pay off your credit card bills in full at the end of...
If you wait until your children are high school seniors to spring it on them...
I wanted to end my life so bad and was in my car ready to go down that ramp...
If you don't drink smoke or drive a car you're a tax evader.
He's computerized but I won't let him come on cold. I created KITT. I...
I am an artist. The track is my canvas and the car is my brush.
The car business is a lot like football. In football you have to win once a...
Since my induction into the Sports Hall of Fame I have wanted to have my No....
A private railroad car is not an acquired taste. One takes to it immediately.
In the back of your mind when you say you want to write music for the movies...
I'm not a bad driver. And I never will be because I took lessons when I was...
I remember things that happened sixty years ago but if you ask me where I...