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The baby boomers are getting older and will stay older for longer. And they will run right into the dementia firing range. How will a society cope? Especially a society that can't so readily rely on those stable family relationships that traditionally provided the backbone of care?

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Noble life demands a noble architecture for noble uses of noble men. Lack of culture means what it has always meant: ignoble civilization and therefore imminent downfall.

Every man's work whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else is always a portrait of himself.

Great buildings that move the spirit have always been rare. In every case they are unique poetic products of the heart.

Space has always been the spiritual dimension of architecture. It is not the physical statement of the structure so much as what it contains that moves us.

I was always very grateful to 'em and am grateful to 'em now. I went back a couple of years ago and did their 20th anniversary show. But the longer I stayed on Hee Haw the worse things got for me musically.

We had a relationship that lasted 44 years. Herbert and I lived together 10 years before we were married. He always gave me a little heart for whatever anniversary.

But to sustain a marriage for 50 years you have to get real a little bit and find someone who is understanding and who you can grow with. My mom always says 'Marry the man who loves you a millimeter more.'

I think that all the anger and cynicism comes from suppressing things that we always wanted.

The reason why I love people and writing about them is because they don't always respond with hate and anger. If they did I wouldn't have a story to tell. Who wants to know about someone who was brutalised and became brutal? I'm interested in the exceptions.

There's no anger ever in a spiritual. There's always the dream of a hope of a better day coming. That God understands the troubles that I'm experiencing.

I've always turned my anger inwards towards self-destruction.

Because society would rather we always wore a pretty face women have been trained to cut off anger.

The anger of a person who is strong can always bide its time.

He best keeps from anger who remembers that God is always looking upon him.

If anger proceeds from a great cause it turns to fury if from a small cause it is peevishness and so is always either terrible or ridiculous.

My humour has always come from anger but I have to make sure I don't just get angry and jump on a soapbox.

I've been trying to learn how to not be so conflicted about things like my own anger. I've always had a place in my music for my anger as a way of compensating for not having a mechanism to express it in my everyday life. So I've been trying to be more true to myself and that helps me to chill out a little bit. But politically uh-uh. No.

I think I'm basically the same guy I always was. Maybe I've learned through experience to rein in some of the anger and temper they say redheads normally have.

When someone says that I'm angry it's actually a compliment. I have not always been direct with my anger in my relationships which is part of why I'd write about it in my songs because I had such fear around expressing anger as a woman.

People are always angry at America. They're absolutely certain that America either caused their problems or is deliberately not fixing their problems. But the anger is always directed at America and never at Americans.

In times of great stress or adversity it's always best to keep busy to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.

Always write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them.

The best part is it's a dream come true. I've always wanted to be a working actor and the good part of it... it's all good! I work long hours but it's amazing. They pay me. That's amazing! I get to kiss Keri Russell and that ain't too bad.

My mom is a really good cook. I didn't get the cooking gene but she cooks this really amazing dinner every Christmas and that's always really fun.