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The history of our country is cruel. We have to face those issues or should I say we had to. Not anymore I hope because we are going in the right direction and we are ready to forgive ready to move on.

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I spent a lot of time in the school psychologist's office. I didn't apply myself. My mother thought I had learning disabilities.

I feel like that I'm learning all the time. I'm learning from new artists from established artists... every time I listen to '70s rock 'n' roll records I'm learning. And I think that I'm just now starting to get a hold on what I do.

So for example if a child is labeled as having a learning disability it has very concrete consequences for the kinds of services and potentially accommodations that child will get.

For me 'Rent' was all about coming out of myself finding out who I was learning the power I could have as a performer.

My biggest project right now is trying to be a really great mom and learning how to balance family and career. I'm just trying to spend as much time with my family as I can.

The prudent course is to make an investment in learning testing and understanding determine how the new concepts compare to how you now operate and thoughtfully determine how they apply to what you want to achieve in the future.

My mom had this romantic notion of her children playing classical music. The idea is you learn it when you're still learning language. It's using the same part of the brain.

The country remains dependent on oil. But as we are now learning oil is becoming increasingly scarce.

Bottom line: if you show a genuine interest in learning about how others became successful you can open up a world of opportunities.

I think my family and closest friends are learning about my need to withdraw and I am learning how to restore and store my energy to both serve the community to the best of my ability and to serve my writer's heart.

I used to be so aggressive but after a while I started learning. It's not that I know how to adapt but I know all styles of fighting so I can change my style of fighting to whatever it needs to be. That just comes from years of training and a lot of sparring partners.

What keeps you confident in a healthy way is knowing that everyone else around you is going to support you and teach you and you're going to learn from them. I just feel open to learning from people.

I think Russian people are learning that democracy is not an alien thing it's not a western invention.

There's some movies I watch they're kind of like my anti-anxiety pill my anti-depressant pill. I watch them at least once or twice a month probably. And I never stop learning from them as a filmmaker.

The trick in life is learning how to deal with it.

I am learning to forgive my inner geek and even value him as a free man.

You have to grow thick skin and that only comes with time and learning.

I'm learning Spanish - I got Rosetta Stone for Christmas.

The main thing that gives me hope is the media. We have radio TV magazines and books so we have the possibility of learning from societies that are remote from us like Somalia. We turn on the TV and see what blew up in Iraq or we see conditions in Afghanistan.

Tennis was always sort of a - a learning. It was a vehicle for me to discover a lot about myself. And the things that I sort of discovered at times I not only didn't want to see it for myself but I certainly didn't want millions of people to see it.

I enjoyed studying costume learning about the corsetry and the historical context of fashion. I never had any real intention of being a costume designer.

When we think about online learning it's such 'early days.' Bill Gates is a wildly smart insightful guy. Yet even a guy as smart and insightful as that 30 years ago can say things like 'Who's every going to need more than 640K of memory?'

And where does magic come from? I think that magic's in the learning.

I'm an obsessive hiker and I do it every day for two hours and it really helps me when it comes to learning songs or scripts.