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I would also like to act once in a while but not get up every morning at 5:30 or six o'clock and pound into the studio and get home at 7:30 or eight o'clock at night or act over and over and over every night on Broadway either.

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Spare a thought for the poor introverts among us. In a world of party animals and glad-handers they're the ones who stand by the punch bowl. In a world of mixers and pub crawls they prefer to stay home with a book. Everywhere around them cell phones ring and e-mails chime and they just want a little quiet.

Hit a home run - put your head down drop the bat run around the bases because the name on the front is more - a lot more important than the name on the back.

So long as I can stay mentally alert - inquiring curious - I want to keep going. I love my wife and my children but I don't want to sit around at home with them. We go on safaris and things like that. I can do that for a couple of weeks a year. I'm just not ready to stop to die.

I can write pretty much anywhere if you give me time and some quiet. The home is not usually the best place because I have four children. It's usually pandemonium around here!

The best thing for me is when I'm not working is to be at home and to have a script or two scripts is better and to be just walking around the house and just thinking about the lines.

Illogical thinkers throw names and slurs around because they have no arguments with which to rebut their opponents. Rational people have to keep hammering their points home.

With the theatre your whole day is geared towards the evening's show and that's the job. People usually go to work about 9 and come home around 5 or maybe 7.

It's also much clearer how much damage the occupation of Iraq is doing to America's reputation and prestige around the world and that's just starting now to hit home in the United States.

What I've learned in my life it's a very interesting social study for me to go back and forth between being the guy at home and being the guy on the road and being the guy in studio and being the guy in the interview. The environment around you has so much to do with your character and when I'm home my character really changes quite a bit.

Working in an office with an array of electronic devices is like trying to get something done at home with half a dozen small children around. The calls for attention are constant.

Well I just said that Jesus and I were both Jewish and that neither of us ever had a job we never had a home we never married and we traveled around the countryside irritating people.

My real fantasy if I was to drop out would be to live in a mobile home and be a hippie and drive around festivals and have millions of children - children with dreadlocks and nose rings - and play the flute.

Right around the end of the fifties college students and young people in general began to realize that this music was almost like a history of our country - this music contained the real history of the people of this country.

Part of what I loved - and love - about being around older people is the tangible sense of history they embody. I'm interested in military history for instance because both my grandfathers fought in World War II. I'm interested in writing because one of those grandfathers wrote books.

Storytelling in general is a communal act. Throughout human history people would gather around whether by the fire or at a tavern and tell stories. One person would chime in then another maybe someone would repeat a story they heard already but with a different spin. It's a collective process.

The true history of my administration will be written 50 years from now and you and I will not be around to see it.

Presidents quickly realize that while a single act might destroy the world they live in no one single decision can make life suddenly better or can turn history around for the good.

Our nation was created in ways that allow human potential to prosper and it created the greatest nation for people in the history of humanity. Now Obama is dismantling it because he has no appreciation for our greatness. In fact he resents it. He blames this country for whatever evils he sees around the world.

Woz is living his own life now. He hasn't been around Apple for about five years. But what he did will go down in history.

I want to thank the efforts of the American Public Health Association and its 200-plus partners who have organized events around the Nation that serve to raise everyone's awareness of the need to improve public health.

As I travel around Idaho and visit with seniors I hear almost universal concern about the rising cost of health care particularly the cost of prescription drugs.

When you start fooling around with drugs you're hurting your creativity you're hurting your health. Drugs are death in one form or another. If they don't kill you they kill your soul. And if your soul's dead you've got nothing to offer anyway.

One of the things I like best about 'Biggest Loser' is being around people who are trying to make the right choices. When you feel defeated about your weight and your health like there's no hope and you still make the choice to fight for it to make the change happen no matter what people say or think that's inspiring to me.

The bottom line is I'm blessed with good health. On top of that I don't go around thinking 'Oh I'm 90 I better do this or I better do that.' I'm just Betty. I'm the same Betty that I've always been. Take it or leave it.