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You know that being an American is more than a matter of where your parents came from. It is a belief that all men are created free and equal and that everyone deserves an even break.

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I genuinely liked all of the cast members very much. Steve had a wicked sense of humor. I remember Russell coming to my rescue once. I watched Eric evolve before everyone's eyes. Maurice loved what he did so. He treated his character with respect down to the costuming.

If you've never felt that you quite got a hold of it you just feel that before you die you've got to try and get it right once. And hope that the experience you have makes up for the some of the diminishing energy.

I hope that America as a whole and especially its architects will become more seriously involved in producing a new architectural culture that would bring the nation to the apex - where it has stood before - and lead the world.

Before I do a play I say that I hope it's going to be for as short a time as possible but once you do it it is a paradoxical pleasure. One evening out of two there are five minutes of a miracle and for those five minutes you want to do it again and again. It's like a drug.

I hope to get out before they start football next year.

As a young actor people were trying to define who I was before I really knew that for myself. But I still remember thinking 'This is what I love doing and I hope I'm going to be able to do it forever.'

I love the Beatles. I haven't named any kids after them but I still really love them. They were the first group that I was ever properly aware of. In my early teens I would sometimes stay in and listen to the radio all day in the hope that I would catch a song by them that I'd never heard before and be able to tape it on my radio-cassette player.

I do sometimes strongly hope that in a past life my most recent life before this I was absolutely horrible evil hideous. Because otherwise - well hell to even things up next time around I'm going to have to pay for this one am I not?

In between films I like to travel and hope to visit every continent before I become a mother.

Before you give up hope turn back and read the attacks that were made on Lincoln.

For me Barack Obama's election was a milestone of the most extraordinary kind. On the day he was elected I felt such hope in my heart. I thought we were seeing the beginning of a new era of equal opportunity across race and gender such as America had never known before.

I hope I die before I get old.

Theater is of course a reflection of life. Maybe we have to improve life before we can hope to improve theater.

The secret is not to give up hope. It's very hard not to because if you're really doing something worthwhile I think you will be pushed to the brink of hopelessness before you come through the other side.

Poets have said that the reason to have children is to give yourself immortality. Immortality? Now that I have five children my only hope is that they are all out of the house before I die.

Hope is the last thing a person does before they are defeated.

However I was a restaurant critic at Chicago magazine before I worked at Esquire and I've been a really enthusiastic home cook for a long time. It's just something I'm passionate about.

I think I started learning lessons about being a good person long before I ever knew what basketball was. And that starts in the home it starts with the parental influence.

Before I had kids I'd go out on the road for months and months at a time but now I don't think I'd want to do that anymore because I'd miss too much time at home so it's just a matter of monitoring how much work that I do and how much time I'm on the road.

Don't kid yourself. President Obama's decision to withdraw 33 000 troops from Afghanistan before he stands for reelection is not driven by the United States' 'position of strength' in the war zone as much as it is by grim economic and political realities at home.

I maintain the rather old-fashioned view that this is my work and it's in the public arena but that doesn't entitle everyone to know what happened at home before coming here.

I stand before you as the governor of Texas but also stand before you the son of two tenant farmers. Ray Perry who came home after 35 bombing missions over Europe to work his little corner of land out there and Amelia who made sure that my sister Milla and I had everything that we needed included hand sewing my clothes until I went off to college.

For example I was a White House intern the summer before I dropped out of law school. Everybody knew about it. I'd come home and go to church and everybody would say 'Oh my God. Demetri you're working at the White House.'

The only way I'd be caught without makeup is if my radio fell in the bathtub while I was taking a bath and electrocuted me and I was in between makeup at home. I hope my husband would slap a little lipstick on me before he took me to the morgue.