Search For being In Quotes 2527

I was associated with a woman who I was involved with and had a relationship with. She asked for money. I felt as though I was being blackmailed or there was some sort of extortion.

The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society - more briefly to find your real job and do it.

It seems I have a hard time being attracted to someone unless I respect what they do on some level. Otherwise I would feel disdain for them. Which is not always pleasant in a relationship. Sometimes it's fun though.

Human beings have speculated about the relationship between inspiration and insanity for centuries.

An organization's reason for being like that of any organism is to help the parts that are in relationship to each other to be able to deal with change in the environment.

I've written a few songs that have to do with being in a relationship the bad and the good.

It is true that women tend to be more identified with their bodies because in this crazy world both men and women measure women's value as human beings in relationship to their physical appearance.

I enjoy the Web site a lot and I like being able to talk to my readers. I've always had a very close relationship with them.

I'm very pleased with being a part of the Bean Pole family. It's a relationship that makes sense to me. I'm very pleased to have my name associated with Bean Pole Jeans.

In order to be able to give a girlfriend the amount of time she deserves you would need time and I just can't give her that. So rather than being selfish or stupid enough to go into a relationship it's just been easier to be single.

The Russians are turning east to the Chinese - to the Europeans' surprise. It always seemed to me that the relationship between Russia and China would shift from being based in Marx and Lenin to being based in oil and gas.

Sex is... perfectly natural. It's something that's pleasurable. It's enjoyable and it enhances a relationship. So why don't we learn as much as we can about it and become comfortable with ourselves as sexual human beings because we are all sexual?

In finding love I think it's important to be patient. In being in a relationship I think it's important to be honest to communicate to respect and trust and to strive to give more than you take.

I have absolutely no empathy for camels. I didn't care for being abused in the Middle East by those horrible horrible horrible creatures. They don't like people. It's not at all like the relationship between horses and humans.

Being grown up and in a serious relationship I've learned so much. I'm happier than I've every been.

Sexuality is a big issue but there are others - how much you commit to a relationship to social obligation to honesty and being honest with yourself.

Prayer is commission. Out of the quietness with God power is generated that turns the spiritual machinery of the world. When you pray you begin to feel the sense of being sent that the divine compulsion is upon you.

I have two daughters and I have done everything in my power to prevent them from assimilating even being aware of my idiocy about my weight.

Everyone asks me about being so worried or thinking about existence as if I'm the only person who can't understand why a tree grows the way it does or why a person is in power when they're not that great. These are questions everyone has.

Before I was really passive all I cared about was being in love with my boyfriend. I didn't have any creative power nothing. I don't know that person any more.

Blackheart Records being 25 years old represents staying power and the fact that we weren't able to get a record out through conventional means so we had to create this record company to put out our records if we wanted to be a band that had records to give out to their fans.

The miracles of the church seem to me to rest not so much upon faces or voices or healing power coming suddenly near to us from afar off but upon our perceptions being made finer so that for a moment our eyes can see and our ears can hear what is there about us always.

There is trust in there being a Spirit who loves me and wants me to have love in my life. I trust in this higher power it is what keeps me moving forward no matter what happens.

It's being willing to walk away that gives you strength and power - if you're willing to accept the consequences of doing what you want to do.