Search For earning In Quotes 951

Just because you are CEO don't think you have landed. You must continually increase your learning the way you think and the way you approach the organization. I've never forgotten that.

When I was 8 years old I knew nothing about martial arts. The coach told me I was talented with learning martial arts and put me in a school.

I spend more time learning about Buddhism than English which is why my English today is still bad.

I've been learning martial arts since I was 8 years old.

Churchill was the canny political animal very devious bursting with energy and determination learning as hard as he could.

Directors who turn into big babies and shut out criticism stop learning.

Recipes tell you nothing. Learning techniques is the key.

I think I'm learning to be bolder in my career choices and be more confident in my personal life. I haven't always felt very secure as an individual but now I feel I certain confidence and sense of self that gets me through the day a lot better than before.

I am involved with 'Write Girl ' which is such a great organization because they go into inner city schools and work with underprivileged girls to pair them up with other writers. And it gets them learning to express themselves and become familiar with their own voice. They have a 100% success ratio getting those girls into college.

It's not like learning how to hit a curve ball in baseball.

Now for this book I had to learn the world of the Senate which is really for all that's written about the Senate an unknowing world and its mores and the way things work with subcommittees and all. I loved learning about that.

I'm constantly learning and that is the greatest gift of life in my opinion - to always be learning and growing.

You should put time into learning your craft. It seems like people want success so quickly way before they're ready.

The learning curve is 'The Hobbit' is being shot in 3D.

Learning how to improvise really awakened my interest in music.

From the time I started school it was clear to everyone that I wasn't learning at the same pace as other kids.

We believe that if you put in place the mechanisms that allow for personal choice as far as Medicare is concerned as well as the programs in Medicaid that we can actually get to a better result and do what most Americans are learning how to do which is to do more with less.

I prefer to think of myself as a musician who is still learning and trying to do something every time out.

After learning the language and culture of the Chinese people these Jesuits began to establish contacts with the young intellectuals of the country.

After you start learning all about the mechanics of piloting a riverboat you stop seeing all the pretty sunsets and you start thinking about the weather.

No man is the wiser for his learning it may administer matter to work in or objects to work upon but wit and wisdom are born with a man.

It's not the teaching it's the learning.

Learning lines is on my mind until I do know them. I'll read the paper or paint the house to keep from starting to memorize. I've never found an easy way.

He that knew all that learning ever writ Knew only this - that he knew nothing yet.