Search For before In Quotes 962

Before deciding to retire stay home for a week and watch the daytime TV shows.

If we got into a situation where people start burning our records then bring it on. That's the whole point. The gloaming has begun. We're in the darkness. This has happened before. Go read some history.

Since I was there in the very beginning I know the history of the characters. So I make comments about the tone and sometimes remind the writers that we've done that before.

It was one of those great miracles of history that they managed to smuggle an Enigma machines out to Britain just before they were invaded by the Nazis.

More people have more access to more readers for less money than ever before in history. It means a lot of dross but it means a lot of very talented people can find and nurture a readership in ways that were not possible twenty years ago. From a creative perspective that is all that writing is about.

I'm quite good at taking in information so I voraciously inhale Wikipedia - which may have some things wrong in it but I think is generally more information than we had before. Last tour we didn't have Wikipedia. And then Discovery Channel and History Channel. I can take it in and retain what I think are the most important facts.

OUR history begins before we are born. We represent the hereditary influences of our race and our ancestors virtually live in us.

Let me tell you never before in the history of this planet has anybody made the progress that African-Americans have made in a 30-year period in spite of many black folks and white folks lying to one another.

If you take a look at history you will find that the understanding of what is good and evil has always existed before the individual religions. The religions were only invented by people afterwards in order to express this idea.

My generation of bossy confident baby-boom women were something brand new in history. Our energy and assertiveness weren't created by Betty Friedan unknown before her 1963 book or by Gloria Steinem whose political activism as even the Lifetime profile admitted did not begin until 1969.

In many ways history is marked as 'before' and 'after' Rosa Parks. She sat down in order that we all might stand up and the walls of segregation came down.

You look at the greatest villains in human history the fascists the autocrats they all wanted people to kneel before them because they don't love themselves enough.

Thanks to television for the first time the young are seeing history made before it is censored by their elders.

It is in the admission of ignorance and the admission of uncertainty that there is a hope for the continuous motion of human beings in some direction that doesn't get confined permanently blocked as it has so many times before in various periods in the history of man.

For the very first time the young are seeing history being made before it is censored by their elders.

History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.

Long before history began we men have got together apart from the women and done things. We had time.

Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.

Great Britain had a much different situation than we do and did here in the United States in that they had literally thousands of infected animals with human health risks. Their infectivity in this disease happened before very much was known about it.

Moreover health center services save money and lives by treating diseases before they become chronic conditions require hospital care or require a trip to the emergency room.

Singing really oxygenates your blood. You stretch your lungs and take in much more air into them than before. It's really good for your health.

Seven presidents before him - Democrats and Republicans - tried to expand health care to all Americans. President Obama got it done.

In the field of health care we are giving people access to insurance who have not had it before.

I remember the first pangs of stress arriving at the end of school. Once I graduated I had to get a full-time job worry about health insurance saving money paying rent - things I'd never thought about before.