Search For earning In Quotes 951

You never stop learning. If you have a teacher you never stop being a student.

I'm pleased to say my knee feels a lot better. It's still not back to normal and I don't know if it ever will be but I'm learning to deal with it instead of expecting it to be like it was before.

I've always loved music but I never really played anything. After 'Walk the Line' and learning to play guitar and having that sense of performing I think that certainly opened the door for me for music.

To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance.

I can't do the same movies all my life. I'm conscious of that. But it's a trade-off. 'Dear John' allowed me to do movies I've wanted to do. You learn to balance it out. I'm still learning. Only now am I getting to do the kinds of movies that I have wanted to do. So it's a steady climb. You don't jump into a Soderbergh film.

I have no control over what people think of me but I have 100% control of what I think of myself and that is so important. And not just about your body but so many ways of confidence. You're constantly learning how to be confident aren't you?

I've had a tough time learning how to act like a congressman. Today I accidentally spent some of my own money.

All are agreed that the increase of learning and good morals are great blessings to society.

I'm learning to accept the lack of privacy as the real downer in my profession.

I grow old learning something new every day.

I feel the older I get the more I'm learning to handle life. Being on this quest for a long time it's all about finding yourself.

I am growing and learning. There's so much more that I want to accomplish and do. I'm gonna do it at whatever pace it happens. I'm not trying to rush anything or slow anything down.

I was diagnosed with a severe temporal spatial deficit a learning disability that means I have zero spatial relations skills. It was official: I was a genius trapped in an idiot's body.

The spotlight will always be on me but it's something I'm learning to live with as the years go by.

Without feeling abashed by my ignorance I confess that I am absolutely unable to say. In the absence of an appearance of learning my answer has at least one merit that of perfect sincerity.

I was learning as I did in the Ministry of Defense. I never knew but I always learned.

But if we learn to think of it as anticipation as learning as growing if we think of the time we spend waiting for the big things of life as an opportunity instead of a passing of time what wonderful horizons open out!

Much learning shows how little mortals know much wealth how little wordings enjoy.

We're learning how important it is both to preserve sibling relationships if they work and repair them if they're broken. We're also learning a lot about nonliteral siblings - stepsiblings half-siblings - and the surprising power they can have.

The mind of the polyglot is a very particular thing and scientists are only beginning to look closely at how acquiring a second language influences learning behavior and the very structure of the brain itself.

Learning to speak was the most remarkable thing you ever did.

There is no royal road to learning no short cut to the acquirement of any art.

Books have led some to learning and others to madness.

I'm always learning from experiences because each one is different and there are different players involved in the project at the time with their own way of doing things.