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I think we are at the very beginning of high changes not only in terms of digital film but in the way the movies will be screened whether they'll be screened on phones on computers - on everything.

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Movies will end up being this esoteric art form where only singular people will put films out in a small group of theaters.

I love making movies but there's nothing like being in front of an audience.

I think our culture has gotten so skewed. People assume that because you're an actor you want to write a book to exploit your celebrity but my celebrity is only a byproduct of me making movies. I have no intention of being a celebrity.

Right now if you're interested in being a dramatic actor they're not making that many just regular dramas. Movies have to have some other thing going on.

I've always fantasized about being on TV. And I was. Then I fantasized about being in the movies. What could be better than captain of a space ship? I get to ride horses shoot guns have adventures.

I like making sci-fi movies because I like watching sci-fi movies. I like watching horror. I like being in a horror movie. I'm a fan. My perspective's a little different just because I get to participate as well as spectate.

The movies and the parts I'm being offered are becoming better and better.

I couldn't be happier about being a part of 'Hunger Games' and to play Katniss. I have a huge responsibility to the fans of this incredible book and I don't take it lightly. I will give everything I have to these movies and to this role to make it worthy of Suzanne Collins' masterpiece.

Making movies was more a reaction to not being chosen for sports. Other kids were out there playing at whatever I was off making something blow up and filming it or making a mould of my sister's head using alginating plaster.

The one benefit of having done all kinds of movies as an actor is you learn the pros and cons of being tempted to do a really big movie because it costs a lot of money.

Yes I'm going to be the President of the United States. You know why? You think you can get chicks by being in the movies? You can really get chicks by being the President.

I think what's dangerous about being an actor who does action movies is you think 'Well I can totally handle myself now.' But if my opponent didn't know the other half of the routine I don't know how well I'd do.

Bond is the longest-running franchise ever and there's a reason for that: they are action movies but they are also touched by current events without being political or too serious.

My bar for being successful is being able to do movies that really mean something to me and being able to make a living off of that.

I would do anything for a part nearly anything. Being in movies doesn't mean being pretty.

I love huge movies. Not sure I am the guy to make them but you can rely on me being there watching them.

I remember being a kid and sleeping over at my friend's house and staying up late and watching 'Nosferatu.' Vampire movies are supposed to be secret and bad. They should be rated R.

I remember looking through magazines or watching movies even just a couple of years ago and being like 'I really want to be part of that ' but not realizing what that was.

I think romance is a tool comedy is a tool and drama is a tool. I really just want to tell stories that challenge the viewer move people make you laugh perhaps push an idea about being open-minded but never settle on a genre or an opinion. I hate genre. I like movies that are original in their approach.

Being the son of a filmmaker you are aware of a career as a director. You don't think of it as just movies but as a life.

And being as I'm somebody who loves movies like The Machinist I also love going along to big mass entertainment movies. I get in the mood for all kinds of movies and so I like to try each of them.

I was sick and tired of being an English actor who did a lot of American movies because I was cheap and good.

The financial implode is bound to be reflected in the movies that are being made there's no question.

I think being self-referential is really narcissistic. Who's to say anybody's even thinking of you that much? But some of these movies that I've done people still recite lines to me even 20 years later.