Search For being In Quotes 2527

It was really like waking up one morning and going Wow I enjoy being with this person more than anybody else in my life and it just turned out to be mutual.

I like being in movies that have a great story. I'm not so interested in being a Hollywood star. It's a job you know. When you wake up at six in the morning every day for a week it feels like hard work.

You know I looked at my face in the mirror this morning and I like being old. My face has more content and when I train in the gym now I am not training to be strong or handsome - just better than I was yesterday. These days the race is just against myself.

I still at hotel rooms I do this one sort of not-so-cool thing: continually shoving my room service tray in front of someone else's door. Because I don't want the remnants. I don't want to be caught like being like the pig that I was at two in the morning.

And my only rule being if when I wake in the morning I'm looking forward to the things that I have to do that day then I'm on the right track.

Driving a motorcycle is like flying. All your senses are alive. When I ride through Beverly Hills in the early morning and all the sprinklers have turned off the scents that wash over me are just heavenly. Being House is like flying too. You're free of the gravity of what people think.

Above all this country is our own. Nobody has to get up in the morning and worry what his neighbors think of him. Being a Jew is no problem here.

If I feel strongly I say it. I know I can do more good by being vocal than by staying quiet. I'd have a whole lot more money if I lied but I wouldn't enjoy spending it.

I mean being a child was being a child was being a creature without power without pocket money without escape routes of any kind. So I didn't want to be a child.

If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.

Human beings are much bigger than just making money.

It's rather naive apart from being ethically objectionable to assume that our investigators travel around the country with bags of money trying to bribe witnesses to lie on the witness stand. We just don't operate that way.

I never viewed money as being 'my money' I always saw it as 'the money.' It's a resource. If it pools up around me then it needs to be flushed back out into the system.

If you're not staying on top of your money you are putting your financial well-being at risk.

The money I pay for my cultural experiences came willingly from my own pocket - they were not the result of bread being removed from the mouths of the poor so that Miss Thing here could mince off to the circus smelling of roses.

We are used to female writers who use their private lives as unmitigated material being somewhat hormonal this somehow 'excuses' what might be seen as a highly unfeminine ability to turn their personal upsets into money.

Money isn't a major motivating force in my life. Nor is my profession. There are other things that I care more about than being an actor.

Money is not a motivating factor. Money doesn't thrill me or make me play better because there are benefits to being wealthy. I'm just happy with a ball at my feet. My motivation comes from playing the game I love. If I wasn't paid to be a professional footballer I would willingly play for nothing.

I wanted to make a living but I really was not interested in money at all. I was interested in being a great comedian.

I think that what went wrong with religion is the same thing that went wrong with politics. Is that it became too money based and too controlling. It's just a weakness that we human beings have for control - we want one thing and then we want more and then we want more.

Arab leaders worry more about making money from the profits they get from oil and gas that they turn the other way when Lebanon is being destroyed right next to them. Their neighbours are being murdered but they only make calculations for their own benefit.

As kids we didn't complain about being poor we talked about how rich we were going to be and made moves to get the lifestyle we aspired to by any means we could. And as soon as we had a little money we were eager to show it.

Having money is rather like being a blond. It is more fun but not vital.

I'm free of stress and worries now because if I don't like something I'm doing I just find the fun in it instead of being miserable. Let me have fun with the people I work with let me have fun making money - when I grew up so poor ya know?