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I saw and I met a lot of people who were in the field. It also provided a context in which I came to respect what the actor did because I saw how difficult it actually was to do.

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And what do Democrats stand for if they are so ready to defame concerned citizens as the 'mob' - a word betraying a Marie Antoinette delusion of superiority to ordinary mortals. I thought my party was populist attentive to the needs and wishes of those outside the power structure. And as a product of the 1960s I thought the Democratic party was passionately committed to freedom of thought and speech.

Men who want to support women in our struggle for freedom and justice should understand that it is not terrifically important to us that they learn to cry it is important to us that they stop the crimes of violence against us.

We will not be intimidated or pushed off the world stage by people who do not like what we stand for and that is freedom democracy and the fight against disease poverty and terrorism.

I begin to feel like most Americans don't understand the First Amendment don't understand the idea of freedom of speech and don't understand that it's the responsibility of the citizen to speak out.

Perhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure freedom.

Both the American people and nations that censor the internet should understand that our government is committed to helping promote internet freedom.

Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.

I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom.

A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.

None who have always been free can understand the terrible fascinating power of the hope of freedom to those who are not free.

Freedom and justice cannot be parceled out in pieces to suit political convenience. I don't believe you can stand for freedom for one group of people and deny it to others.

On a level of simple personal survival understanding and forgiveness are crucial... whether in an intimate personal relationship or on a global level.

My desire is to stand up and brush myself off when I make mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

I think the first step is to understand that forgiveness does not exonerate the perpetrator. Forgiveness liberates the victim. It's a gift you give yourself.

To understand is to forgive even oneself.

Understanding where your food comes from trying to bolster local farmers and local economies and having a better connection to the food around you and the people around you only good can come of that. I love to be involved with things like that.

Music can also be a sensual pleasure like eating food or sex. But its highest vibration for me is that point of taking us to a real understanding of something in our nature which we can very rarely get at. It is a spiritual state of oneness.

I came literally to the table with a wealth of knowledge by simply understanding how food should taste.

It's very clear that there's a lot of double standards going on. Should there be a 30mph speed limit? Of course there bloody should. And certainly with kids and school food kids need to be nannied for sure. So give them a bloody good meal at school.

Believe me I understand the need for easy and speedy. After a 12-hour day of shooting 'Chopped ' say I'm talking stir-fry spaghetti heck peanut-butter sandwiches. But that's not about the joy of food. That's survival.

I'm a filmmaker who decided to go to culinary school. All I picked up was the fact if I didn't understand what was going on with every single ingredient I could be qualifying for like the lunch food job at my daughter's school.

We created a line of pet food called Nutrish that's made to human standards and 100 percent of the proceeds go to animal rescue. One of our top-tier donors is the ASPCA and they help us challenge animal shelters all across the country to get more animals placed in homes.

When fast food is not a treat but a dietary staple the children surf the internet all day in dark corners of the room and are bombarded with latest gadgets. Things replace parental standards.

You go to a show and there's no food at all so if you're doing shows back to back you can forget eating. I remember standing up in the bath one day and there was a mirror in front of me and I was so thin! I hated it. I never liked being that skinny.