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God is the great mysterious motivator of what we call nature and it has often been said by philosophers that nature is the will of God. And I prefer to say that nature is the only body of God that we shall ever see.

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The paradox of education is precisely this that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.

I had never done anything with blue screen before or prosthetics or anything like that. Lord of the Rings was like stepping into a videogame for me. It was another world completely. But to be honest I basically did it so that I could have the ears. I thought they would really work with my bare head.Working with Martin Scorsese was an absolute minute-by-minute education without him ever being grandiose about it.

There are over 200 million illiterate women in India. This low literacy negatively impacts not just their lives but also their families' and the country's economic development. A girl's lack of education also has a negative impact on the health and well-being of her children.

Heart and head are the constituent parts of character temperament has almost nothing to do with it and therefore character is dependent upon education and is susceptible of being corrected and improved.

We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.

I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message.

The first condition of education is being able to put someone to wholesome and meaningful work.

The paradox of education is precisely this - that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.

Education is the period during which you are being instructed by somebody you do not know about something you do not want to know.

A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated.

An education isn't how much you have committed to memory or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.

They should hold themselves absolutely upon the immovable foundation of truth and nature whereby alone they can save themselves from misapprehensions and from the danger of being entirely carried away from reality into mere dreams and fictions.

Deep down I'm a Texas girl looking for that big romance every girl dreams about. Biologically I look forward to being a cornerstone of a family. I'll be in my glory when I have a child on my knee.

As I've grown - dare I say it - older I had hopes of indulging my dreams of being a sailor.

I had dreams of catching the ball for the final out in the World Series and being mobbed by my teammates. Well I guess all my dreams didn't come true.

But what I'd really like to tell you is I never dreamed of being in the Hall of Fame. Standing here with all these great players was beyond any of my dreams.

The idea of being able to serve as an example based upon how to process how to think how to realize our own dreams we can pass that down to our children.

In the year since we brought things into the open with a clean breath of fresh air at City Hall we have learned about corrupt spending practices and unethical conflicts of interest that waste your money... and keep Dallas from being the great city of our dreams.

When you're a young English person who wants to be an actress and you have dreams you dream of being Vanessa Redgrave or Judi Dench.

Well my thoughts about California are kind of mythological. To me as well as being a real place it's a place where people go to find something - to find happiness or to realize their dreams. So it has that kind of quality of heroism and heartache and Australia has that as well.

My childhood dreams were focused on being part of the effort to make humanity a multiplanetary species.

That's what noir feels like to me. It feels like some kind of recurring dream with very strong archetypes operating. You know the guilty girl being pursued falling all kinds of stuff that we see in our dreams all the time.

Not only the priceless heritage of our fathers of our seamen of our Empire builders is being thrown away in a war that serves no British interests - but our alliance leader Stalin dreams of nothing but the destruction of that heritage of our fathers?

I think I am done with Wikipedia for the time being. But I have a secret hope. Someone recently proposed a Wikimorgue - a bin of broken dreams where all rejects could still be read as long as they weren't libelous or otherwise illegal.