Search For academy In Quotes 18

Academe n.: An ancient school where morality and philosophy were taught. Academy n.: A modern school where football is taught.

We've established a Washington State Academy of Sciences that will enable us to make decisions based on science about what is right for our state meaning the quality of our lives will get better.

There's been a slow death in a way. On the positive side there are films getting into the Academy Awards that wouldn't have but on the negative side financiers are now dominant and making all the decisions. I can't count the ways a director's vision is compromised.

Music is my life professionally for nearly 60 years. To be recognized by the academy is still the highest honor.

It was also my idea that the advisory committees of the Academy should replace the legal committees of the German Reichstag which was gradually fading into the background in the Reich.

I never make a movie for awards consideration. I will use the hope of getting an Academy Award a) to honor the people who work so hard and also b) it's the greatest Good Housekeeping seal in the world. It's the greatest brand. It's as good as Louis Vuitton and Dior in the world of moviemaking. It's the Super Bowl.

We all learn in school that the judicial legislative and executive branches of government must check and balance each other. But other non state institutions must participate in this important system of checks and balances as well. These checking institutions include the academy the media religious institutions and NGOs.

And as I grew older I then auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music in London and they said well no we won't accept you because we haven't a clue - you know - of the future of a so-called 'deaf' musician. And I just couldn't quite accept that.

The most experience I had in the criminology field is playing a thug as an actor. That was my first paid job. The police academy at the college was paying people to reenact the calls that potential cops would get. So I got to play thugs and people who were unruly.

An Academy Award nomination is stuff dreams are made of.

Things with my dad were pretty good until I won an Academy Award. He was really loving to me until I got more attention than he did. Then he hated me.

I want to thank the Academy for its courage and generosity.

Just because you've made a couple movies you've done some good movies you've been nominated for some Academy Awards whatever nobody's entitled. It's a business. If they don't see it I can think they're wrong but I'm not entitled to a $15 million budget to make a film.

There's a lot of great movies that have won the Academy Award and a lot of great movies that haven't. You just do the best you can.

You will also allow me to thank the Academy for inviting me to lecture in Stockholm for its hospitality and for the opportunity afforded me for admiring the charm of your people and the beauty of your country.

Well it was the beginning of my film career. It was amazing to me that I got nominated for an Academy Award.

The Academy Awards was an amazing night. I know I kind of lost my mind a little bit. I apologize for that. That night went so fast I can't remember what I said or what happened.

I'd said to my sweetheart a couple of days before that the SAG and Spirit Award nomination was amazing and I had no attachment to the Academy Award. I knew I was an underdog so I just decided to sleep through the announcement.