Search For adrenaline In Quotes 10

The reason that war is such a fascinating subject for writers is because it's a revealer. Put a bunch of people in an adrenaline-fuelled life-or-death situation and their fundamental behaviours are exposed the scrim is taken away and the motivations behind each personality come out to play.

The 'Night Train' has already been a crazy ride for me. We flew around making TV appearances and stadium announcements all over the country fueled by little more than coffee and adrenaline... so many fans jumped on board with us and I couldn't be more thankful.

My heart lies in music and acting however my inspiration comes from adrenaline rush I get from sports... and life.

When I was in high school my friends and I would drive out into the country to abandoned houses and structures... haha... to ghost hunt. We would scare each other so bad! We would sometimes camp out by the abandoned buildings just to scare ourselves! Such good times. The adrenaline of real fear is so cool!

I compare it to being in a car accident. There's so much adrenaline rushing through you that you remember being in the accident but you don't remember any of the details.

The energy of the crowd is insane. Twenty thousand people. It's the biggest jolt of adrenaline. It's very hard to explain. You know the old story about the woman lifting the car off her kid? It's in that realm. You can actually hurt yourself and not know it.

I've tried everything other than jumping out of a plane but nothing gives you an adrenaline rush like racing a car.

I would have probably stolen cars - it would have given me the same adrenaline rush as racing.

When money and hype recede from the art world one thing I won't miss will be what curator Francesco Bonami calls the 'Eventocracy.' All this flashy 'art-fair art' and those highly produced space-eating spectacles and installations wow you for a minute until you move on to the next adrenaline event.

The satisfaction you get when you finally beat your dad is amazing that rush of adrenaline.