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I have come to understand and appreciate writers much more recently since I started working on a book last fall. Before that I thought golf writers got up every morning played a round of golf had lunch showed up for our last three holes and then went to dinner.

Search For aires In Quotes 18

I find the fact that billionaires are quoted as if the fact that they are billionaires gives them some kind of wisdom is outrageous.

As a parent and a citizen I'll take a Bill Gates (or Warren Buffett) over Steve Jobs every time. If we must have billionaires better they should ignore Jobs's example and instead embrace the morality and wisdom of the great industrialist-philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.

The fairest thing in nature a flower still has its roots in earth and manure.

Of the billionaires I have known money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.

I want to reform the tax code so that it's simple fair and asks the wealthiest households to pay higher taxes on incomes over $250 000 - the same rate we had when Bill Clinton was president the same rate we had when our economy created nearly 23 million new jobs the biggest surplus in history and a lot of millionaires to boot.

Some of the best health care services are free or cost very little and are even available to millionaires but hardly anyone knows they exist.

There should not be one new dime in tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires as long as millions of children in America are poor hungry uneducated and without health coverage.

Of the various forms of government which have prevailed in the world an hereditary monarchy seems to present the fairest scope for ridicule.

Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.

They say Yogi Berra is funny. Well he has a lovely wife and family a beautiful home money in the bank and he plays golf with millionaires. What's funny about that?

In my experience it is rarer to find a really happy person in a circle of millionaires than among vagabonds.

If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us we'd all be millionaires.

If I could set a world record it would be that I have 150 business partners all with thriving businesses of their own that started with nothing and I made the difference to make them all billionaires.

Fairest and best adorned is she Whose clothing is humility.

Swift speedy time feathered with flying hours Dissolves the beauty of the fairest brow.

On July 18 we will mark the 12th anniversary of the senseless loss of 85 lives in the bombing of the Jewish Cultural Center in Buenos Aires Argentina.

Fairest and dearest your wrath and anger are more heavy than I can bear but learn that I cannot tell what you wish me to say without sinning against my honour too grievously.