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Terrorism can never be accepted. We must fight it together with methods that do not compromise our respect for the rule of law and human rights or are used as an excuse for others to do so.

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Don't sell yourself short because without that you can't go far in life because after sports the only thing you know is sports and you can't do anything else with that.

I don't know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports.

I won't predict anything historic. But nothing is impossible.

You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream the farther you get.

If anything needs to get fixed in society it's people's consumption of other people's problems.

So if we have anything original to offer it's to speak from our own life about the society we're in.

The only yardstick for success our society has is being a champion. No one remembers anything else.

And from a military school which taught me that to fit into society you can't just do anything you damn well please because it will suit you. And that it's much better to be with the winners than it is with the losers.

American society is a sort of flat fresh-water pond which absorbs silently without reaction anything which is thrown into it.

The product of the artist has become less important than the fact of the artist. We wish to absorb this person. We wish to devour someone who has experienced the tragic. In our society this person is much more important than anything he might create.

Before I do anything I think well what hasn't been seen. Sometimes that turns out to be something ghastly and not fit for society. And sometimes that inspiration becomes something that's really worthwhile.

You can't make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you're doing is recording it.

Cockroaches and socialites are the only things that can stay up all night and eat anything.

I like to smile when its natural. I'm not mad or anything. That's my style.

Don't write anything you can phone. Don't phone anything you can talk. Don't talk anything you can whisper. Don't whisper anything you can smile. Don't smile anything you can nod. Don't nod anything you can wink.

I'm crazy about Grant: his character his nature his science in fighting and everything else. But I don't like the idea that he never accepted the blame for anything always found someone else to blame for any mistake that was ever made including blaming Prentiss for Shiloh.

The general public has long been divided into two parts those who think science can do anything and those who are afraid it will.

Evolutionary naturalism takes the inherent limitations of science and turns them into a devastating philosophical weapon: because science is our only real way of knowing anything what science cannot know cannot be real.

I was attracted to science fiction because it was so wide open. I was able to do anything and there were no walls to hem you in and there was no human condition that you were stopped from examining.

We sat around on a hotel balcony with a bottle of wine and tried to figure out how you would go about blowing up a planet. That's the kind of conversations science fiction writers have when they get together. We don't talk about football or anything like that.

I'm an amateur science enthusiast. I'm not even a professional enthusiast. I don't know anything I never even passed biology in high school. But I read the science section of the newspaper.

I don't know anything about science.

Everything is fraught with danger. I love technology and I love science. It's just always all in the way you use it. So there's no - you can't really blame anything on the technology. It's just the way people use it and it always has been.

The conscience of the world is so guilty that it always assumes that people who investigate heresies must be heretics just as if a doctor who studies leprosy must be a leper. Indeed it is only recently that science has been allowed to study anything without reproach.