Search For assuring In Quotes 10

Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another but let him work diligently and build one for himself thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.

In New York if you weigh under 200 pounds and decline so much as a cookie at a co-worker's party women will flock to your side assuring you of your appealing physique. This is how skittish we are about the dangers of anorexia and the pressures of body image.

For a long time many believed that there would be an automatic adjustment and counted on a rapid increase in the wages of the emerging nations on our advances in technology and the costs of transport preventing disruption. But this reassuring analysis is out of date.

I find Jesus my confidant and companion brother and savior our relationship is intimate vulnerable demanding yet comfortable and reassuring.

Immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control affairs.

For horror movies color is reassuring because at least in older films it adds to the fakey-ness.

I shall go further and say that even if an examination of the past could lead to any valid prediction concerning man's future that prediction would be the contrary of reassuring.

Though I was excited about the Sojourner Truth play it was not reassuring to think that my entire future might depend on the success of that one show.

We cannot always assure the future of our friends we have a better chance of assuring our future if we remember who our friends are.

He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage hope confidence calmness and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.