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The assertion of failure coming from such persons does not mean that Mr. Mill failed to promote the practical success of those objects the advocacy of which forms the chief feature of his political writings.

Search For attending In Quotes 10

I was attending the University of Alberta. I was going to be a high school teacher like my parents. I failed - no I didn't fail a class I just barely passed. I really didn't try. It was Canadian history through the plays of the time. My God those were boring plays.

I seldom go into a natural history museum without feeling as if I were attending a funeral.

In addition I'll be attending women's health expos and medical conferences with the goal to promote dialogue between women and their health-care providers.

Attending that Convention and talking with those people and many others convinced me that I should become a blogger in my efforts to reform the government and uphold the integrity of the Constitution and the laws made in furtherance thereof.

The future is built on brains not prom court as most people can tell you after attending their high school reunion. But you'd never know it by talking to kids or listening to the messages they get from the culture and even from their schools.

Nothing drew me to the film business. I was propelled by the fear and anxiety of Vietnam. I had been drafted into the Marines. My brother was already serving in Vietnam. I bought if you will a stay of execution - both literally and figuratively - and went on to graduate school of business from the law school that I was attending.

By climbing a steeper road the value and appreciation Delaware State students took and continue to take from their education and their experiences is just as great if not greater than students attending ivy league schools.

I have a hat. It is graceful and feminine and give me a certain dignity as if I were attending a state funeral or something. Someday I may get up enough courage to wear it instead of carrying it.

Well I started conducting kind of by accident. I wanted to give myself a special birthday present for my fortieth birthday and I was living in San Francisco at the time and I started attending some of the concerts and then simply dropping hints.

It is a matter of public shame that while we have now commemorated our hundredth anniversary not one in every ten children attending Public schools throughout the colonies is acquainted with a single historical fact about Australia.