Search For bankruptcies In Quotes 4

Today's misery is real unemployment home foreclosures and bankruptcies. This is the Obama Misery Index and its at a record high. Its going to take more than new rhetoric to put Americans back to work - its going to take a new president.

Because when we think about the real facts: 44 million Americans without health insurance millions without jobs a 50-year high on mortgage foreclosures an historic high the third year in a row on personal bankruptcies.

I fear that the rising personal bankruptcies and repossessions are the first signs of bigger problems to come and personal debt - Gordon Brown's legacy to millions of Britain's families - will hang like a millstone around the neck of the British people for years to come.

Liberal that I am I support health-care reform on its merits alone. My liberal blood boils for example when I read that half of the personal bankruptcies in this country are brought on in part by medical expenses.