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Clinton and Obama practice this politics known quaintly as the Richard Speck strategy: if you cannot take on everyone in the room at once take them out of the room one at a time.

Search For bloodshed In Quotes 8

Religion is interesting because it brings out the best and the worst in humanity. It can be a source of good deeds whether it's people from different spiritual backgrounds coming together to help other people in need after a crisis. But it's also a cause for war and bloodshed.

We're all sick of holy wars and bloodshed because religion is supposed to give us life and a better life and is supposed to bring out our best self. When it results in mass destruction and hatred and anxiety it's the antithesis I think of what religion was designed to do.

Yes politics IS war without bloodshed and war is an extension of those politics.

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.

It is hard I submit to loathe bloodshed including war more than I do but it is still harder to exceed my loathing of the very nature of totalitarian states in which massacre is only an administrative detail.

Lying at the root of the social agreements of 1980 are the courage sense of responsibility and the solidarity of the working people. Both sides have then recognized that an accord must be reached if bloodshed is to be prevented.

But on second thought after I decreed the state of emergency I came to the conclusion that that was impossible to achieve without bloodshed because the street protesters were full of anger and nearly out of control. This is why I thought we needed to find another way out.