Search For bothers In Quotes 8

There are some people whose opinion I value and respect and it would be very bothersome if I forfeited their respect. But the general public? I'm not preoccupied with the opinions of others.

I don't always see my movies right away. And there are some I haven't seen at all. Sometimes that bothers the directors so I'm obliged to see them.

When you're a mom and you have three children nothing bothers you. Trust me. Who cares what people say? I've got other things to deal with.

One of the things that bothers me most is the growing belief in the country that security is more important than freedom. It ain't.

I really appreciate artists of the 20th century and I can see a lot of their influence on my work but to suggest that my design only fits within an 'ism' kind of bothers me.

It bothers me when I hear it in a car commercial or some such. But for the most part it's better than seeing sacred music relegated to the scrap heap.

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all but goes on making his own business better all the time.

Even in literature and art no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will nine times out of ten become original without ever having noticed it.