Search For brighter In Quotes 12

We all would like to see a brighter future for Haiti and I hope this conference will serve to explore many views. Respect for human rights freedom and the rule of law must be established in the poorest nation in our hemisphere.

In my books and in romance as a genre there is a positive uplifting feeling that leaves the reader with a sense of encouragement and hope for a brighter future - or a brighter present.

I'm hungry for knowledge. The whole thing is to learn every day to get brighter and brighter. That's what this world is about. You look at someone like Gandhi and he glowed. Martin Luther King glowed. Muhammad Ali glows. I think that's from being bright all the time and trying to be brighter.

If you start in the pit of despair with these profane awful things even a glimmer of hope or awareness is going to occur that's much brighter coming from this dark awful beginning.

The fabric of North Carolina and what makes our state so special is our families and our common desire for a brighter future for our children. No matter what your family looks like we all want the same thing for our families - happiness health prosperity a bright future for our children and grandchildren.

We must vote for hope vote for life vote for a brighter future for all of our loved ones.

We know that when people are safe in their homes they are free to pursue their dream for a brighter economic future for themselves and their families.

It was a way out of poverty. It was a way to success. It was a way to education. And it was a way to a brighter day for me.

When I look at President Obama I see a leader with a cool head a caring heart and an open mind a president who has demonstrated through his demeanor and through his deeds that he is uniquely qualified to heal our divisions rebuild our nation and lead us to a brighter future together.

I moved to New York last year and I love it. It's a huge change and I've always wanted to spend time there. It's like a more intense London and everything's up a few notches. The lights are brighter the pace is faster and the food's better.

When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of heaven and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist.

The upside to anger? Getting it out of your system. You got to express your anger. Then you have room for more positive things. If I hold something in a long time and then I speak it it's amazing how the light shines so much brighter.