Search For busted In Quotes 9

I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck but my lawyer thinks he can get me five.

Busted is not the ideal band I'd like to be in by any stretch of the imagination.

Dad made it to Gold Shield Detective so he always busted Robin my oldest brother and me. Always got caught whatever we were doing.

We busted a lot of family secrets with this. But to make a long story short my parents relationship was built heavily on security issues for my Mom and when my Dad couldn't provide security the relationship unraveled.

Lots of people say to me 'I completely hate Busted'. That's completely cool with me. I understand why.

When I was a kid I got busted for throwing a rock through a car window and egging a house on halloween.

Fact: The new '90210' is cooler than the old '90210.' It's the lithe streamlined Skipper to the elder series' venerable Barbie. Gone are the traditional parents - they've been replaced by a hipster mom n' pop who get busted necking in the car.

I'm really busted up over this and I'm very very sorry to those people in the audience the blacks the Hispanics whites - everyone that was there that took the brunt of that anger and hate and rage and how it came through.

As much as I long for a sort of security and consistency sometimes I do enjoy sort of being busted around. I really don't know what's happening sometimes next week let alone this year.